Saturday, December 4, 2010

Have they no shame?

From the ice-covered Stoa this morning I scratch my chin in amazement at the sheer gall displayed by the lame-duck Democrats. There are so many times I wish I could be wrong, but being correct most of the time will just have to be my cross to bear.

Obama is not coming to the center as conventional wisdom proclaimed. The seven year moratorium on oil drilling puts paid to that fantasy. Even if his moratorium is overturned by a Federal court or by Congress, overseas businesses that drill on those leases will not invest the money or resources for fear that another President won't come along in the years ahead and turn everything upside down again. Businesses need to plan ahead and you can not go changing the rules on them whenever you want. They will simply invest elsewhere.

The Congressional Democrats are not going quietly into that dark night, they are cramming Safe Food, DREAM Act legislation, stalling the tax-cuts and so much more. They cram it despite knowing that it was this arrogant, elitest behavior that got them sacked to begin with. They are posturing now for future political sound-bites, hoping that the Americans of 18 months from now will have forgotten what they do today. If the Tea Party has not had its First Amendment rights suspended by then we will not have forgotten anything. Mark it.

Safe Food is going to add billions to the cost of manufacturing our food. Small farms and businesses that are unable to afford the hit to their profit margins will go under. This favors "Big Agra" in the long-run. How much money did they spend on lobbyists for this vote? They are strangling their competition in the cradle and Congress is obliging. We, the consumers, will always pay for this in the end. More people will be hungry or on government assistance. Big Agra gets is revenue and the government gets it drones. Win-win for them, no?

The DREAM Act continues the Democrat efforts to create a beholden voting block to keep them perpetually in power. The political pyramid scheme that is the DNC. In the 1960's they yanked the Civil Rights mantel from the Republicans (who pushed for change but were blocked by the Democrats when Eisenhower tried to get the legislation passed) and claimed the black vote for all eternity. Now they turn their sights on the Hispanic vote. This has been their task since 1965 when Ted Kennedy got Immigration legislation passed that essentially limited the number of white Europeans from immigrating and opened up the flood gates on the Hispanics. By limiting the pre-educated and generally conservative European immigrants (who were really escaping from Liberalism/Progressivism in Europe to come here to live) they undercut their future opposition. By cranking the spigot open on the un-educated and generally liberal Hispanics (Catholics have always been suckers for unrequited charity) they propped up their future base for fears that as blacks entered the higher levels of society that they would realize that they had been played for fools and vote Conservative (which was the case until Obama appeared suddenly). This allows the Democrats to replace an eroding base while at the same time growing that base with a more vigorously vibrant and expanding demographic. The DNC may be diabolically malevolent but they are never stupid.

Stalling on the Tax cuts will be devastating to our economy. The Stock Market will take a gut hit as everyone runs to sell prior to the Capital Gains tax going up. This will drive the market way down, perhaps below 10,000 again, despite the Feds behind the scenes games to prop it up (that is a long story not for today). Businesses will continue to not add employees because they will cost more, especially with all the follow on legislation that will be taking effect (i.e. healthcare and easier unionization rules). We will be mired in a perpetual unemployment rate of around 10% for decades, much as Europe has been.

All tax legislation mus have renewal clauses to that they are NEVER permanent. A Congress must take responsibility for all taxes and spending. There can be no excuse by saying that this is a tax passed under another Congress. The Congress of TODAY always has responsibility for taxing and spending regardless of which Congress passed it. Figure it out, representatives. You are supposed to be intelligent people after all.

The Democrats in Congress today would make Stalin proud with the way they manipulate a willing media and take advantage of an American public that is either apathetic or just plain scared to get involved. The Republicans continue to disappoint with their timidity. They must work as hard to undo the madness unleashed upon us as those who unleashed this madness upon us. Harder still since they have now woven it into our legal codes and tax system.

Do not fear re-election. Do what you were elected to do! You will continue to be elected as long as you represent the will of the people. Once you cease doing this, then you will be replaced. It is too late for some places like San Francisco...hell, California. However, you must realize that they do indeed have the government that they elected, time and time again. Even a past governor that failed miserable once before. Don't weep for them. It is not too late for the rest of us, the Red States or those with the Tea Party mentality. Fight for what is left of our freedom, fight in the Arena of Ideas for the ideals of our Founders. They had it right all along. Don't let the experiment die.

Time to warm up and allow the Stoa its time to contemplate.

Live well.


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