Monday, November 15, 2010

'Ware GOP

This morning from the Stoa I shake my head and hope that the trends I'm seeing are in error. That history repeats itself to those who are foolish enough not to learn from it is a well established fact. That I can see it happen over and over again in a single generation proves how powerful that axiom really is.

I'm talking about the GOP, the DNC, and the Tea Party (remember, it is not really a party, it describes an event in 1773).

It has been several weeks since the midterm elections and I have yet to hear any group of Republicans get together and outline their plans for restoring our nation, rolling back intrusive government, and reminding the world that we are not sorry for who we are and what we have done over the last 230+ years. There is the *new* Contract with America, but it is really the barest of beginnings and not really an outline for the overhaul that needs to take place.

I understand that it took the better part of a century to get where we are today in terms of Progressive BS, but even the messiest room gets cleaner when you pick up a pair of socks from the floor (or scraped from the wall in some cases). The contract is that pair of socks, but you mustn't ignore the century of debris choking the rest of the house.

I see too much "establishment" politics going on. That the Speaker-To-Be can even talk compromise was like a bucket of cold water down the back. How do you compromise your principles? Me thinks he dost not understand what the midterms were about.

I think this political cartoon explains the mood of the country right about now. The GOP is not in office because of anything they have done, or even really promised. As a nation we have been lied to so often by now that we just don't believe anyone in politics any longer. They were elected because there is still hope in that party. It was the party that did away with slavery, but to do so it had to destroy the Whig Party (and took a chunk of the Democrat Party as well). The Republicans risk a Tea Party revolt that will rival that of the GOP defection from the Whigs. Beware, GOP. This is your only chance at redemption.

Laying next to the GOP in the hospital is the Democrat Party. It has been around since the early 1800's and flipped periodically with the notion of Conservatism and Liberalism. Actually in those earlier days, Conservatism really was not a word yet. The poles were Tyranny and Liberalism. To show how much has changed, Liberalism was not a bad word. It stood for something that the modern Liberals can not understand any longer. It was rooted in the word Liberty. Certainly not close to what you can see in the modern Democrat Party. No, the Democrat patient's Liberal heart flat lined a long time ago, at least as far back as the hippy 60's. It has been so riddled and infected with Socialism, Marxism, Progressivism, and populism that it simply can not function like it once did. Pelosi seeks to retain her position as the party's leader and likely will. How messed up is that? No, the American people, the responsible ones and the ones that actually educate themselves on policy, have noted that the Democrats are beyond redemption.

The Republicans, however, do have a faint pulse. Many remember Reagan and what he stood for. He was an unabashed Conservative first, a Republican second. That he was there and did what he did tells us that it is not too late to turn around. We don't have to go down the same road as Europe and live the Nanny-State nightmare.

The Tea Party is that voice, speaking firmly into the ear of the Republican Party to come back from the edge. No more big spending, no more pork, no more market interference. No more...a lot of things. A lot, a lot. Really a lot of things. Politicians are always reluctant to do unpopular things (well, except for a certain current president) for fear of not getting re-elected. The Tea Party is the voice of the Silent Majority in the country. Traditional Americans of Traditional values are sick of coastal politics, union thuggery, and big corporate sleep-overs. If you get the government out of our way, we will restore the country. It is that simple.

You will not fear re-election as long as you get out of our lives. Enforce current immigration law. The current legal aliens in this country will applaud you. Every illegal immigrant hangs shame on the necks of those who came here legally. Get the heck out of the Free Market. You have no business being there. Regulation is a four-letter word to me. Yes, yes, keep the "but grandma will be taken advantage of by eeevil big business or she will eat razor blades in her cereal" stuff to yourself. In an ideal market, grandma may get a beetle in her bran muffin, but that muffin company will go out of business. That is another post, if need be...I digress.

You will not fear re-election. Remember that. So my community will not get a Federally funded bridge. Perhaps local community leaders and businesses that are paying lower taxes will actually be able to raise enough money on their own to have the bridge built. How about that? Community outreach programs for the poor? You know, in the old days, really rich people trying to feel less guilty donated huge sums of money to charity so that the poor could be taken care of. They even funded and endowed hospitals to that end (a big one in Baltimore comes to mind).

Real Americans take care of themselves and the less fortunate. Why do you think we are the number one donor every time an international disaster happens? We are a giving people, even when we don't have much to give (thanks again, Mr. President). If the Federal Government is not taking our money from us in ever increasing amounts, we will donate and "spread the wealth" around on the local level...where it does the most good!

No, GOP, you will not fear re-election because the silent majority is just that; the MAJORITY. Frothing liberals, though loud and frequently obnoxious, are a small minority. Even liberal sympathizers make up no more than 1/5th of the electorate. The pocket media gives them out-sized microphones and artificial importance.

Listen to us. Listen carefully. Really, really carefully. You risk the fracturing of the Party if you ignore us. Do not compromise. There is no compromise to find. The current DNC is the antithesis of everything this nation has ever stood for. There is no reasoning with it. It must be defeated in its totality. If you think you can get along with them then you will be falling for the same trap that every Republican has fallen into for a hundred years.

You have been given an opportunity to make a real difference. Don't squander it. You will not get another chance. The 2012 elections will see more RINOs removed. Mark it. It will happen. If the RNC still does not seem to understand, then I predict that there will be a REAL "Tea Party" Party, and it will destroy the RNC and the DNC. The Tea Party will take on the Conservative mantle of the nation and the RNC will find itself somewhere in the middle of the road. Remember what I've said before, only Roadkill exists for long in the middle of the road. The DNC will rename itself the Progressive Party as many of the independents, who are really only independent because they are intellectually lazy, will realize what has happened (not all of course, put a good number will) and will actually pick sides. The Tea Party will be generally reflective of the 70% Conservative leaning of America while the rumps of the RNC and DNC will exist somewhere in the middle. The 10-15% Social Progressives will have the other pole and will serve as a reminder of why we are conservative.

As Rush has said before, Liberals should never be exterminated, we have to keep some of them around. They must remain free to spout their Moon-Bat theories around so that we never forget why they had to be defeated in the first place.

I don't post many cartoons on my blog, but this one sums up the mid-terms better than any 20 page article I have read on the topic.
I guess it is time to go and be a productive member of society.

Live well.


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