Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Common Ground?

I stand at the Stoa tonight scratching my chin at what I'm hearing from the Democrats today. I hear the phrases, "common ground", "bi-partisan", and "civility". With the Democrat defeat they now arrogantly remind the Republicans that in order to continue the Obama agenda they are going to have to work with them in the spirit of bi-partisanship.

In order for the Republicans to work with the Democrats they are going to have to find common ground. Now, let's see, the new Republicans, recently reminded of their reason for existing, are for limited government and individual rights. The Democrats (aka Socialists), believe in total government control and individual rights that can only be granted by the government. Someone will need to draw a diagram for me and show me where the "common ground" resides.

On Cap and Trade the Democrats want throttle the power industry and create value from a value-less gas (carbon dioxide). The Republicans realize that a coal industry that employs workers pays taxes and generates a living for many, many families.

The Democrats want to nationalize 1/6th of the national economy and destroy the best health care system in the world. The Republicans want to leave it be and let it continue to evolve to meet the needs of the market.

The Democrats want to centralize our nation and erase the power of the States' right to self-governance. The Republicans have read the Bill of Rights and understand that this is not permitted.

The Democrats, when given the opportunity, carved out all Republican participation from policy development, bill writing, and debate. The titanic battles fought over the last two years have been between moderate Democrats and Social Democrats. The Republicans could not change the lunch menu, even if they had tried, that is how irrelevant they were. Now the Social Democrats are the dominant survivors within the Democrat party and there will be fireworks in the next two years.

The Democrats believe that it is fine to own banks, car companies, insurance companies, and reorganize the media into a branch of the government. A true conservative Republican would stand there, mouth agape at the mere suggestion.

So where exactly is this common ground? I could continue to cite examples but I think you understand.

Now, to act juvenile. In my mind, the Democrats are no better than a playground bully that has been knocked on their butts. Now they are asking for inclusion and civility. Riiiiight. In 2006, President Bush, like a new born babe in the woods and the surviving Republicans on the Hill did not want to resemble the image being painted of them in the media and worked with them on everything. Even before that, President Bush had a hard time saying no to spending bills and pork. When the Republicans developed "common ground", they got pummeled by the Republican base in 2008. Fools.

Elections have consequences. Obama once told a room of Republicans that they are now irrelevant and will just have to sit in the back of the bus. At least he told is as it was and did not sugar coat it. Now that the whip has been knocked out of his hand, he is begging for civility. President Obama and crew need to be reminded that elections have consequences. The Republican party has been reminded of who and what it is and if any of them think that they can find common purpose with the Democrats then they will go down in the dust right after the Democrats did last night. I hope that they remember this.

Things are not going to get done in Washington over the next two years. There is important work to be done that will not get done, but at least the spending will get cut off, unless there is some "common ground" between a Tea Party Republican and a Socialist Democrat.

The Republican party must come up with legislation that fulfills its mandate, win or lose. If they get the bills passed, then we are better off. If the bills go down to defeat, then those bills can be hung around the necks of the Democrats. This will keep the Tea Party base happy and further highlight the differences between the two parties. Clear choices.

Chin scratching completed, I will now shuffle back off to my domicile and prepare for the coming possibilities granted me in a new day.

Live well.


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