Monday, April 19, 2010

WTF, Goldman Sachs!

Head's up people. I mean really, head's up. I feel like shouting, "Bury your food and grab your guns!". Well, not your guns, but at least your wallet and your pocket sized copy of the Constitution. Grab the Constitution and your copy of the Declaration of Independence and keep them close. There are dark times ahead. When the government makes its own rules then there is nothing restraining it. Even Alexander Hamilton would be very concerned about this government.

Goldman Sachs was under a civil investigation for over 9 months and then in the midst of another round of demonizing Wall Street, Sachs gets hit from nowhere with a criminal investigation. The normal channels in government knew nothing of the charges until they were filed. Goldman Sachs knew nothing of the charges until they were filed. Funny this happened on the eve newer, more controlling regulations being proposed by the Federal Government.

What's to stop them? They took over two car companies, banks, the student loan system, packing courts, packing legislative districts, cram unpopular legislation down our throats...did I miss something? Nothing has stopped them. Nothing.

The tea parties are painted as incubators for Fascism, those that disagree are racists and bigots, and the main stream media is the only source of truth according to the White House. They are prodding and provoking the Tea Party members to violence, hoping that one nut job will come out to give them what they want.

In the 1960's, the radicals were the mob and they learned that directly confronting the government with violence will lead to failure and marginalization. Now, the radicals are in power and they are confronted with the vast, silent majority that is silent no more. The radicals know how they lost the argument in the past and are working hard to hang that sign on the Tea Party members. Are they enough to check the out of control Obama administration? I sure hope so.

Will Obama and his henchmen go after Bank of America or Wells Fargo? You betcha. Are they safe? Don't make me laugh, I make typos when I try to type while laughing. Insurance companies? The ObamaCare bill will make them extinct inside of 24 months once the legislation begins to put the bite on them. I don't hear about the companies having to kiss Waxman's ring any longer...then again, someone probably told him that AT&T and crew were just following the laws that people like Waxman wrote.

Checks and balances? The only check on the out of control government right now are the various Libertarian movements springing up all over the country. Let's hope that this is enough to pull my country back from the brink of Marxist dissolution.


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