Saturday, April 17, 2010

MOPE-Management of Perception Economics

The Wall Street Journal has been bugging me for months. Right along with all these other news outlets that continues to bombard me with 'great economic indicators' while hedging lower in the article about how the economy is 'fragile', 'weak', 'susceptible to shock'. Its our national economy, not a sick patient in the hospital. Each month I hear about how the unemployment numbers "unexpectedly jumped again", but then blame the weather, the floods, hell, they blamed Easter for the last figures. Give me a break.

Taxes pull money out of the private sector. The private sector uses that money to expand, invest in new products, new services, service delivery, and general technological advancement. They also use that money to pay and offer benefits to their employees. If you tax something you make it go away. Are we clear on that yet? Raising taxes causes businesses to either NOT HIRE, thus the "slower than expected jobs recovery" or continue to shed cost...that would be you...which makes unemployment go up. Pretty basic stuff here and I didn't even go to Harvard (no, wait, that is a good thing).

If it wasn't for the occasional good article in the WSJ I would have dumped it a long time ago. Then again, my parrots do need paper and I can recycle...

Perception Economics at its worst. The media manipulated the news to hand Bush 41 a recession in 1991 and Bush 43 another in 2001, 2002,...well, every year he was president we were told how horrible things were. Riiiight. Give me 2006 again any time.

Things really tank big under Obama and I see article after article about fathers spending more time with the kids and the joys of unemployment. The opportunities to go back to school (don't get me started) and do what you want to do in life are many. Unemployment is a good thing? Really? Who do you expect to pay all those taxes Mr. Government man? Tax the benefits? Oh, wait, you do already.

You can not run up the debt we have run up and not feel the pain in a big way. Heck, even the Fed chairman has come out and said that our current and future debt structure will cost so much to service (think minimum payment on your credit card) that there will be no money left for anything. Not Social Security, not Medicare, not the vaunted Health Care Affordability (excuse me while a laugh a little here) Act and none for even the military. The guy who said that the housing market was doing just fine in 2007 is now talking about what our debt and continued spending is doing to our country. Yes, that guy. He is warning us. If even he sees it then it is time to run for the hills. Then again, he could just stop with the printing presses already, BEN!

Tell it to me like it is, not how you want me to hear it. Don't manipulate me or the masses. We have to act in our own self interests with accurate information on the market. Trying to manipulate us or the market will cause distortions that will simply make it fail. No, wait, things have failed already. Never mind.


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