Sunday, April 18, 2010

Where is Iceland's Carbon Offset?

I wonder if the MSM are going to notice that volcano in Iceland that has shut air travel down in Europe? I don't mean if they actually notice the economic effects, I wonder about the climatic effects.

The volcano under the glacier is called, wait for it, it really is a real name, Eyjafjallajokull. That thing has blasted as much gas, dust, glass, and god only knows what else into the atmosphere as all of humanity has done since we figured out how to control fire. Anyone going to think of that? When does Iceland get taken into the World Court for all that pollution they are failing to control?

Whenever a volcano goes off in a big way, the sunsets get spectacular and the weather gets colder. It just does. It is called nature and we have dealt with it for a long, long time. No amount of hybrid cars is going to make a spit of difference. No amount of energy conservation is going to affect the environment like a good old volcano. One, big volcanic blast always puts out more pollution then all of mankind ever has and yet we continue on our merry way. Fancy that.

The MSM can't help but put a positive spin on everything. An article in the WSJ remarks about all the money the airlines are saving in fuel costs since they are not flying. Really? That is like telling a private trucker that his business will be just fine since he is not burning up all that diesel. Hello, get a brain cell, even if you have to borrow one.

Anyhow, I'm sure Gore will get another award, his cronies will be given a pass, the crooked "scientists" will all be off the hook, and the only people who will be vilified will be the people who dared doubt them.

So who is drawing up the lawsuit against Iceland?


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