Saturday, April 3, 2010

The door has been kicked in

It seems as if Pelosi's promise about what was going to happen once she, "kicked in the door" is coming to pass. Since the health care cram down it seems like a day does not go by without me hearing or reading about something that I would never have read about even three years ago.

The Department of Education now owns my (and my wife's) student loans. Where does the government obtain this authority? Under what statute? Is it constitutional? Being in the shadow of health care, one little notices this huge power grab. Will the government take over car loans as well? How about the remainder of all real estate and commercial property loans? Heck, what about personal loans? Can banks make loans without Federal Government approval now?

Will the government begin to decide when to graduate a high school student? I mean, if they are now going to decide who gets funding to go to the expensive (government does not seem concerned about those expenses or professors getting the big paychecks....) universities and colleges, what keeps them from deciding if someone is even worth a college education?

Some countries in Europe have, for many decades, had students take tests at various stages of life. These tests helped 'others' decide if you were going to go on to college or gain a trade skill (or something more in align with your perceived value to society). If an inner city has a 50-70% drop out rate between the ages of 16 and 18 years of age, then it is obvious that if you 'graduate' these kids at 16, fund a trade or technical school program for them, then not only will you cut your apparent drop out rate to nearly zero, but you will now also be training these kids for something useful in life, right?

Boy, that just sounds great doesn't it? No, it doesn't. This 16 year old is going to be told what his value is to society. He (or she, folks, don't go PC on me) will be told that he must do this thing or that thing, regardless of whether he really wants to do it or not. He will be told, on many non-verbal levels, that his value and worth is only what someone else tells him is value or worth is.

That all makes me cringe. How many of our best and brightest were college drop outs? Limbaugh and Beck are notable examples. Bill Gates saw college as a distraction from his true calling. What about those people?

People frequently find themselves doing things in life they never thought they would do. Entry level work gets you thinking about your priorities and interests. How many people changes jobs in a lifetime? How many change careers? Will this be permitted if you are 'slotted' based on the dictates of some central planning committee?

Now there is oil drilling discussions (riiiiight, that will actually happen), re-writing our nuclear policies (those fools), massive unionizing efforts across the country, shameless indoctrination of our children, open corruption of our Congress. All of it shameless and out in the open. Anyone who has a differing opinion is labeled a racist and a bigot. Two years ago it was your patriotic duty to protest the government, now it gets FBI helicopters in your back yard. Terrorists get a pass while a dufus militia man (boy, the government really loves those people...Clinton had issues with them as well) gets prison.

It is all upside down. The Constitution is dying even though we all know the cure. Our country is turning into Europe. Medicine will actually RETROGRADE in my lifetime. Education teaches nothing but social awareness.'

Where will this all lead us? Why did Pelosi have to kick in a door? Isn't Congress supposed to represent the will of the people? I don't think the "People" wanted any of this.


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