Friday, March 5, 2010

False Dawn

I've been having some serious doubts about a lot of things lately. I don't think that I can really believe the Wall Street Journal as freely as I once did. Too many stories that talk about the, 'sluggish recovery'. I'm sorry, but if jobs are still being lost and debt is being piled on and the economy is still not adding jobs (or even optimistic about it) then there IS NO RECOVERY underway. Just because you have slowed your decent to the bottom of the pool does not mean you are not still drowning. Way too many articles trumpeting the good indicators. I'm a very optimistic person by nature. Those close to me would say 'foolishly' optimistic. I'm not feeling this recovery. I'm not seeing it, and I'm not believing in it no matter how much the paper tries to tell me it is underway.

The interest on the national debt is higher than the entire Federal budget in the early 1980's. By the end of this decade, the interest on the national debt will be higher than the current multi-trillion Obama Budget of FY11. Where is this recovery and if it is here, then why must the Federal government continue to run trillion dollar deficits for the next 10 years? Why is that?

Around my corner of the world, State and local governments are scaling back on infrastructure of all types. Parts of cities (like Flint, Michigan) will be dozed and returned to a more horizontal configuration. Others would say those parts of the cities are being abandoned. Heck, they were abandoned years ago, they are just now noticing.

Roads in the counties around mine are being allowed to become gravel again. Cheaper to take care of and with the declining economy there are fewer people using them. Bridges that needed to be replaced are being repaired. Flood control systems are being allowed to decay as well.

Where did the trillions of dollars go that Obama was spreading around? Much of it is still unspent, sitting in a slush fund for the next election. What an illegal use of taxpayer money that is/will be. Why doesn't anyone call them on it? It is one thing to talk about it on the radio, it is quite another to challenge the establishment.

Has anyone noticed that the recent spate of democrat retiring, deaths, and ethics investigations are focusing on those that opposed Obama on the Health bill? What is Obama's problem with black politicians? They seem to go down to defeat with a helpful shove to the curb by the White House.

I don't see a dawn, I see a false dawn. Some economic indicators are looking better, but they are artificial because of the distortion of the data benchmarks by all the government intervention. The numbers need to be reflective of actual economic activity, not the activity spurred by money we don't have. The money will run out shortly. Deflation will set in, like a lowering tide before the tsunami. After that inflation will spike and keep spiking. The FED will pull money back and then the back will break in the economy.

Start thinking about lifeboats. Put canned food away, stash cash and gold (for the love of god, don't give the gold to those companies that are gathering it in...think they are doing it because it looks pretty!!!). Items that can be bartered or converted should be put aside. The basement usually holds a lot of that junk anyhow. Look to your extended family and think about how and who will take each other in. As jobs fall way due to declining economic sectors, you will have many family members out of work. Unemployment (if you can get it) only last so long. Think back to the 1930's. Families took each other in when they had no where else to go. We may all have to live that way again, at least for a few years while the economy, and our culture reset. It will reset and things will get better, but not with anyone like these Marxists running the government.


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