Wednesday, February 24, 2010

He was fun.

I reach once again to my pal, Bender, from Futurama. This is, of course, about Senator Scott Brown. Many have already been howling about his vote for the "Jobs" bill, and rightly so.

Rush said that this is just Realpolitik and that Senator Brown will "vote the right way" when the important votes come up.

I must respectfully disagree with the standard bearer of the conservative movement. Rush says that this is a senator from a very blue state and that there are just certain votes he has to cast in order to stay relevant. Again, I must disagree. He was elected by a frustrated electorate that is sick of pork and payoffs. Sick to death of politics and Realpolitik.

I said that I was withholding judgement on Senator Brown in an earlier post since he had not passed my RINO sniff test. The light is flashing and the buzzer just went off. I believe that he may vote conservative on only the bills that are core to the conservative movement, and even then, only those bills that the silent majority gets loud about. He certainly looks like he has grown, already, to enjoy the limelight and the publicity. Grinning when people shout out to him, "Brown for President".

Sorry, Senator Brown. Once you sell out your values I simply can not trust you all the way. Going along to get along is what has gotten us to this point. Compromising on a 'little evil' is no different then giving in on a big one.

Say NO, and be proud of it. Things need to be fixed, not greased. Yes, this bill may help the unemployed in your district, but isn't that what the Stimulus bill was all about? How did that work out?

I'm still waiting. I don't know how long I'll have to wait until I can find someone that will not bend for the left.

So as Bender said once, "He was fun." Not.


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