Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brother, can you spare a few bill(ion)s?

Since when did States become such beggars? Where are the proud, sovereign States of the Civil War? Where are the States that were willing the fight, literally, for their independence?

I was a bit behind in my reading and yesterday I came across some articles about how the states are whining to the Feds about the stimulus money running out. Duh, did you think that it was going to last forever? That money, supposedly, was to be used to, oh, I don't know, stimulate your economies and promote job growth. Instead, many of the states used that money to shore up broken budgets and infuse cash (my cash) into wasteful and irresponsible programs.

Did they think that the economy was going to re-ignite just as the money ran out? Silly. You should have used that money to buy time and get your fiscal house in order. Instead all of you, well, about 35 states or so, just continued on your merry spending ways and dug the hole deeper and deeper. Now, not only are you out of money, but we are all in far, FAR more debt now because of it. Swift thinkers, you.

California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and many others piddled around and fought with each other, fought with the unions, threatened police, schools, and child funding and attempted to pass one tax bill after another to shore up financing. Hello, does the Speckled Muck Ducker really need protecting that bad? Can you perhaps find a budget cut that is meaningful?

I like how people keep throwing around the word, "unsustainable". Well, States and the Feds are doing there best to truly explore the meaning of the word. If "spending is unsustainable" then it will stop. It has to or else you are using the word all wrong (not an uncommon thing these days). Sooner or later debt will get so high that no one will float a State a loan. Bonds will go unsold, Munies and all other sundry debt vehicles will sputter and mold. What will they do then? What program will get cut? What will their tax base look like?

I doubt very much that they have an exit plan. In the military some units would develop GOTH plans for their particular, precarious situation. GOTH stands for "Go to Hell" plan. When it really hits the fan you have to know what your plan is. Right now it appears that states like California, New York, New Jersey, and even my home state of Michigan have a GOTH plan that involves the Feds doling out the dough. Good bye Statehood, then. They will simply become provincial districts of the Federal Government.

When will the grown-ups come home from vacation and restore some sanity to this world? Things are going to be tough for the next several years. Very tough.

The various State legislators really need to put down the legalized dope and face reality.


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