Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Fundamental Transformation of the United States

Well, the debate is on. The Health Care travesty of bill is being discussed on the Hill. What a fraud. I find it disingenuous to nose count before the debate. If it is a "debate" then I would assume that one can change their mind, right? A debate implies a discussion between rational and educated individuals. Twisting the arm and demanding to know how they are going to vote may be how it is done all the time, but it is still disingenuous. Let's start using words correctly.

Anyhow, the patient is on the table and the ECG is bipping feebly. The patient is bloated and suffering from multiple "progressive" infections that will take its life. The strong individual that took us to the moon in 1969 and built the Empire State Building in 11 months can no longer rebuild the Twin Towers, even when given 10 years to do so. The nation I love, that was built by individuals is surrendering itself to the collective and its political class.

The 'debate' and the outcome of the vote to follow may either be the expected flat line of my nation or the violent fight to persevere against the dark night. Of course, this is how I view it. The Progressives in this nation see this as the birthing pains of their new Socialist, European Utopia.

I'm sure that the 'debate' will not end for real. Despite it's passing, there will be resistance. It will not be completely over. It is in this that I can hope for my country.

Time to wait for the results.


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