Monday, January 27, 2020


From atop the Stoa tonight I continue to stare at the ongoing, openly seditious actions of the Democrats/Progressives/Transnationals in the Senate trial and Progressive media establishment.

To borrow from others greater than me all I can keep thinking is, "Never has so much been said, for so long about so little."  So many words.  So much repetition.  Endless droning.  Stop already.  To borrow again, "If you can not explain something complex in simple terms then you obviously don't understand what you are trying to explain."  They took all their allotted hours to make their case.  Despite the effusion of words I still can not find a case here.  Without yacking endlessly about stuff that is already on TV, I have to say that these people are utterly without shame.  Naked, brazen power grab.  As my kids would say - butt-hurt.  Dropping Salt.  Letting the tears flow.  Tear harvesting.  The Progressives simply can not accept that they lost, are not in power, and must wait their turn again.

The only serious problem with all this is that by distorting the Constitution and trying to elevate policy disagreements with the Democrats to a High Crime (impeachable offence) then you distort and destroy everything our men and women have fought and died for over centuries. 

Just stop it.  Stop.  For the good of everyone, just stop it.

If Trump were a vindictive man he'd go after them with the same energy that they have come after him.  Dozens, if not hundreds would be going to jail.  He'd be right up there with Turkey's President-For-Life.  The Democrats and Progressives dug into our permanent, non-elected government had better pray to a God they don't believe in that Trump is more forgiving and understanding then they.

Live well everyone.


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