Saturday, February 8, 2020

Romney: Petty or Predictive?

Spending my hours upon the Stoa, I am permitted quiet time to reflect on things that would be heretical to most.  Question everything, as Thomas Jefferson once said.  I am still more than a little ashamed that I supported Romney in 2012.  I had my misgivings about him at the time, just as I had with Trump during his 2016 run for the presidency.  However, whereas Trump has totally proven that he has the mettle to lead, Romney has shown himself to be a petty pretty-boy, unwilling to place his own feelings beneath the requirements of duty and honor.

Or has he...

It is easy to fall into the infinite mirrors of thought and counter-thought, the endless lands of, "What-if".  I may certainly be giving too much credit to Senator Romney here, but lets play out this little heretical thought of mine.  Romney makes his run for the office in 2012, and plays by the rules largely laid out to him by his Democratic opponents, i.e. the DNC, the Big Media, and the other Hydra-like arms of Progressivism.  Of course he lost...  One does not win battles when one allows the enemy to set the battlefield.  He got a "full-in-the-face" dose of reality at that time as to how not just his country, but how the world works.  He glimpsed, at that time, the entirety of the Dragon and not just the seemingly disconnected bits.  I believe he learned from that.  Despite his overt religiosity and his, "well known" aversion to all things sinful; I believe that he was cowed by what he saw and felt and that it broke his life-long illusions of the underpinnings of life.

I believe that he sees Trump and the resurgent patriotism of the United States as a temporary setback in the relentless advance of global progressivism.  Like all baser humanity, he wants to position himself, his family, and his descendants on the winning team.  Being the lone GOP Senator to vote in the affirmative for removal he establishes his bona fides with the establishment Progressives.  I'm sure he is aware that the love and adoration that Pelosi, Schumer, et. al. are showering on him will be as transitory for him as it was for the late Senator McCain. In the end, though, he will never be one of them despite his professions of loyalty...not after stabbing a President in the back who actually stumped for his election to a Senate seat from Utah.  You can not trust a traitor, even one of your own cultivation.

In the short term, President Trump will punish those he can reach and de-fang those who he can't get a solid grip on.  I hope and pray that the President can navigate the currents and position the country to survive the next few administrations without him, much as President Reagan did, though H.W. Bush was not anywhere near the quality of Reagan or Trump.  Lets hope Pence can be that man.

Live well all and keep in a supply of popcorn.  The Dems will not stop, even if Trump gets another 4 years.  They just...won't...stop.


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