Saturday, January 18, 2020

Defending the Indefensible

On the Stoa tonight, I sit in the drizzle and look into the dark and mull over recent events.  A lot has happened these past weeks.  Some of it was inspiring and hopeful, but some of it was farcical and cringe worthy.

A Soviet-style House of Representatives "investigation" and gas-lighted false urgency assault has lead to ridiculous Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump.  Politicians who took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America have behaved in a totally embarrassing and selfish manner.  I don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror.

A monster has been put down in Iraq, a monster responsible for hundreds, if not thousands of injuries and deaths to our soldiers on mission.  The Progressives have made it clear that they are mourning the passing of this butcher.  They again think they can deny the President the right to fulfill his responsibilities by setting our foreign policy.  The same people who stood by in silence as President Obama shipped crates of cash to terrorists howl like bereaved widows when President Trump eliminates a blood soaked terrorist.  The Progressives on the TV show, "The View" actually clapped and cheered a white supremacist because he no longer likes President Trump.  Is there anyone on that show that sees the irony of all this?  Has anyone there even thought about that for even a moment?

I love what is called, "The long dark tea-time of the Soul".  It is a time of quiet contemplation, a time with no distraction, a time of total truth with one's self.  The Transnational Progressives in this country and around the world are clearly working on their own agendas.  These people clearly know what they are doing and are absolutely unfazed with the logical contradictions of both their actions and their policies. 

The Governor of California signs a bill making all animal shelters in the State "no-kill" shelters.  The consequences of this bill will be obvious and quite predictable.  However, the State also has abortion on demand for humans, up to the actual birth of the child.  The Governor is not intellectually deficient, so he must be able to recognize the road he has set himself upon. 

The Governor of Virginia is absolutely forcing a violent confrontation over the citizen's Second Amendment rights.  He is also setting up the perfect false flag tragedy with how they are corralling the crowds.  I pray that there is no violence, but it almost seems as if the Governor is seeking violence. 

All of these people in positions of power and authority took an oath that they ignore.  They see a reality that they deny.  They do what they want to do without any regard or respect for law, for tradition, or harm their actions will cause. There must be a larger scheme at play here.  There are gears turning.  One can hear them creaking and groaning if one listens.  Many, if not most of the major events currently going on around the world are intentionally engineered.  From mass migrations to protests in France.  From Hong Kong to Presidential Impeachments, there is a motive behind it all.    There is nothing "Tin Foil Hat" here.  Despite a complicit media the events are too large and the Internet is still able to deliver useful information if one knows where to look. 

Pelosi, Nadler, Obama, Comey et. al. make me ill.  They are an embarrassment.  They are unworthy.  They are found lacking by the spirits of those that have come before. 

I love sitting on the Stoa in the dark, especially on cold, rainy nights.  It is just me and my thoughts.  No place to hide and no lies.  Only the truth will do.  I must remain observant.  I must stand vigil upon my Stoa.  There is a lot going on and much of it is purposeful and NOT meant to benefit me or those I love.  We must discern the outlines of this and support those that are brave enough to face down the evil that is attempting to engulf us.

Live well and stand strong.


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