Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christianity is not Socialism

From atop the Stoa this Christmas night, I wonder how it is that even incredibly educated individuals can display and express fantastic ignorance about Catholicism, Christianity, and the teachings of Jesus. This group I chat with says the most curious things sometimes. 

The discussion group prefers to remain in anonymity, so I will endeavor to not give them away (lol).  Some snippets: 

Pope Francis is an open border Marxist.  Well, he sure sounds that way to me.  Though it must be pointed out that getting a Vatican Passport is harder today then it was for a Centurion to get a date with a Vestal Virgin in 100 BC.  I also notice tall walls and a Swiss security detail with machine guns around his home.  Yes, there does appear to be some hypocrisy at play here.

The Meek shall inherit the Earth.  Benny Hill had a wonderfully intuitive response for that one...they shall inherit the Earth only when the rich and powerful are done with it.  I don't know if that originates with him, but he is the first one from which I heard it.  However, as I understand it, the ancient connotation of, "Meek" was not the docile milksop that we think of today.  Instead they were understood to be strong, yet restrained; armed, but responsible.  They were the ones who always seemed to have to pick up the pieces after the latest warlord rampaged through their lands.  I believe they may be called, "The Silent Majority" in today's America. 

Christians must love unconditionally.  Christians will forgive, for only an individual, in their own heart, can forgive another.  It is not the same as love.  Christians recognize the divine spark of our creator in everything.  Every person they meet, no matter how tainted, twisted or cruel they may be is a portion of the divine.  One can love a person that shows you only hate, but that does not mean that you allow them to bury a dagger in your chest or the chest of one you love.  Evil must be confronted and defeated.  The vast majority of our soldiers in WWII did not hate the Germans, but they were determined to end their evil plans.  No hate required, just the cause of the righteous. 

Jesus says to give away everything you own to the poor and live among them.  I think people really misunderstand or cherry pick various teachings out of context.  If I recall my youthful catechism classes he asked his apostles to so this, not the people at large.  Cuz reasons too involved to get into here...but I digress.  Imagine if Ebeneezer Scrooge had given away every shilling he had in his safe and simply gave all his rented properties away to those who occupied them ...  He would be unable to help anyone next year, and the people who now own those properties are now responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and taxes on the property and the structures.  How many of them will lose the property and end up in debtors' prison?  Kindness must be responsible.  Jesus did not want Israel to become Zimbabwe. 

Jesus kicked over the moneylender's table not because he was against loaning people money, but he was, however,  against usury. 

Jesus was not a pacifist...sometimes his messengers came armed with swords.  Just look at some old statues of St. Michael the Archangel.  When he showed up to speak to you it certainly wasn't going to be about the weather.

Please don't lose touch with the foundational principles of whatever religion you practice.  Don't let modern culture pollute your belief system retroactively. 

Jesus was not a Marxist.  He was a free market kind of guy.  No other economic model provides a win-win transactional structure...but that is another posting.

It is late and I wish to spend this time being with the ones I love. 

Live well.  Trust in God.  Believe in Jesus.  Love everyone.


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