Thursday, December 19, 2019

Redefining Impeachment

From atop the Stoa this night I slowly shake my head in somber disbelief.  Did this just happen?  Did the leaders and the powers that be in the Democrat Media Complex just ramrod this...hell, words escape me at the moment...

This was the United States of America.  A constitutionally provided Federal Republic.  What these partisan World Citizen Trans-national Progressives have done is nothing short of absurd.

Impeachment is a serious, sober business.  They have been trying to impeach Trump since before he was even inaugurated.  His impeachment has been a moving target that has ranged far and wide from colluding with Russians (negated by a multi-year, $30+ million investigation), to obstructing said non-crime, to doing what prior presidents have done, to calling Ukrainian Presidents, to following a treaty signed in 1999 by  President Clinton.  Utter insanity.  Ridiculous, actually.

I must be one of the very few people outside of Government to have actually read both Articles of Impeachment.  I had to read them several times to force down the bile and disbelief that washed over me time and time again.  It is absolutely filled with personal, subjective accusations and sprawling juvenile sophomoric whining.    There are no actual crimes listed in there.  Not even a misdemeanor.  Has the threshold for impeachment been redefined downward?  Does this end when the Senate either acquits or dismisses the case?  I seriously doubt it...very much.  They will do what one does when you miss with every lead the target and keep shooting.  I'm certain that they will simply roll onto another item, another scandal, another phone call or another lame Deep State holdover trying to take out the King again.

The old adage about a Grand Jury being able indite a ham sandwich has now morphed into Congress being able to Impeach one.  Good God this ridiculous.  I am so incredibly embarrassed for my country.  This is such an absurdity.  The markets are giving this a big yawn, though I am still shaking my head over this.

Live well...and read the articles of Impeachment.  Educate yourself.


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