Sunday, April 22, 2012

History will Know

Upon the Stoa this night, I want to look at the long view of history.

The tyrants and power hungry of today will be the footnotes of tomorrow's history books sooner or later. Some day, some where, the truth will win out. We know about the infidelity of Alexander the Great's father, Philip II of Macedonia and the secret fears of Joseph Stalin. We know about the sick deeds of Mao and his little girls as well as the rampant occultism and drug use among the Socialist regime of Hitler and the NAZIs.

During their lives there were always those that knew, but liked to breath. The truth will eventually come out regardless of how powerful the tyrant.

George Bush, though aggravating with his silence, is right in every respect that history will win out. Even today, military historians and political historians are coming to understand how President Bush's policies led to the destruction of radical islam in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is just to name a single instance among many.

Was Obama born in the US? Is Chavez and his Socialist revolution going to endure? Has the Tea Party been discredited? Will Romney do right by conservatism? Did Obama use BBQ sauce with his dog?

Who knows. I know not knowing this stuff in the present sucks, but sooner or later we will be enlightened with the truth.

All the misguided around the world that fall for tyrants and the fools that fall for them. How will history view those poor souls?

Live well.


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