Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Warped Reality

From the Stoa this day, I wish to unburden myself from all the "Politico" speak going about during this election season.

I have heard things that just make me want to sit down and shake my head. That there are reasonable and intelligent people among us in indisputable, I simply am having a hard time picking out the wise ones. Intelligence does NOT equal wisdom or a good and moral character.

So, here they are in no particular order:

Obama kills the XL pipeline that was to run from the Canadian oil shale and sand formations down to refineries in Texas. Local supply. Does not put money in the pockets of terrorists. Puts LOTS of people back to work on a major project.

He kills it because of environmental concerns in one state. Actually, one section of one state. Must have had something to do with the 68th avenue field mouse or something.

Then, as his union buddies finally get a clue and wonder why their man is making the unions pay for HIS support of the environmental nuts, he makes the statement, "I'm NOT against the pipeline. The GOP messed with things so bad I simply had to make them start the process for approval over again. Go ahead and start building the pipeline.

So, we are going to build a pipeline that, if Obama stays in office, will never flow with oil. Is he for the environment or against businesses that he does not control?

I recall a big dust up in New York a while back that was just like this. A new sky scrapper was going to be built and it was going to be so GREEN that it all would kneel before it in awe. Well, one element of this green-dream was waterless toilets. Wow, would that really save the environment. The plumbers then figured out that they were going to lose a lot of money on this. No toilet pipes? Wow. So they did what they do best. They threatened to walk out on the project unless this money somehow migrated to them. Paid for work they didn't do. It was worked out that they would run all the plumbing for the toilets, they simply would not be hooked up to either a water supply or the toilets.

What will future archaeologists think of this? Pipes that don't actually hook up anywhere? They may see it in both this building and the XL pipeline.


Romney continues his annoying march across the GOP landscape. I think what bugs me the most about him is that he will not accept responsibility for the universal health laws of Massachusetts. Not only does he not take full responsibility, but he feels that the law is good and affordable.

First, healthcare is horrible in that state. Second, it will fail under its own weight.

If Romney had stated, "The States are the experimental labs of the Republic. I admit that this experiment has not served the People the way it was intended. It was my mistake. A mistake that will not happen with me as President."

Bam, I would have liked him for that. Instead, he adopted the mantel of the slimy politician.


Obama hates oil and coal, but loves hybrid cars and solar panels. China makes solar panels cheaper than us and is killing our industry. They have more control over the rare earth elements needed to make these panels. Therefore, they make them cheaper. They even make them better. American companies, actually, companies that donate money to Obama, are getting huge handouts of my money to build an inferior product at twice the cost of Chinese panels. Yep, don't think this is sustainable, there, Obama.


The US will not support military action in Syria, despite sending drones and soldiers into Libya, Yemen, and other dirty little countries. Syria has killed civilians numbering to date nearly 10,000. Hillary and team keep denying Syria honey and lemon aid while their people are butchered. Yet Libya got all the help they wanted. Yemen has got all the help they wanted. What's up with that?

This Stoic is busy and must return to working for the tax man.


Live well.


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