Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Hitler Youth and Society-1965. An alternate view.

From atop the Stoa this day, I wish to contribute the 3rd part of the alternate musings from history. There are others, though I will wait to be asked before I distract from my other musings.


Transcript #206.222-9
Gestapo file 22a9C
21 June 1965


Cleared for release to Information Ministry by SS-Untersturmfuherer Lothar Ott

Source: Microphones from the Adolf Hitler Polytechnic University, Berlin, DreiesDeutchesReich.
Senior Homeroom class. Supplementary data from cameras and personnel informants.
Instructor: Albert Hoffbauer, Ph.D.

Class begins to fill in at 0743. Students arrive and stand next to their desks. There is no talking and no movement that the cameras record. The men and women are standing at attention.

Instructor arrives at 0800 and heads to his podium. He turns to the portrait of Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and extends his arm at the same time as the students. They then recite their oath to the Fuehrer and the Reich. The students then take their seats.

The instructor turns back to the class and clears his throat.
Instructor: Welcome, class, to your last day of classes. I am glad to see all of you here today.

[Class: Murmuring of thanks.]

Instructor: I want all of you to know just how proud I am of you. Everyone from this class will be graduating tonight, though we have lost many along this four-year path.
[An SS soldier enters the open class carrying a large briefcase]

Instructor: As I understand it, each of you received your post-University assignments last night. The soldier here has your official orders. [The instructor signs for the pile of envelopes]

Instructor: I would like nothing more than to be your age again! When I was your age I was soldiering in the wastes of Ural Russia. Sorry if I seem more personable now then during your time in school, but its over now. I can speak with you as equals. You are about to begin your life of service to the Reich!

[The instructor then begins handing out the envelopes, obtaining a thumbprint from each student on his recording tablet.]

Instructor: Please do not open your orders now, since you already know what you will be doing this time next week.

[The instructor then goes back to his podium and rolls it into the corner of the class. He then begins to mill throughout the student tables]

Instructor: We are not yet completely over, however. I want to make sure you all have been paying attention to me these last few years and will be taking a kind of oral examination of the class as a whole.

Instructor: I would first like to begin by asking, by a show of hands, how many of you will be going on to the Officers Cadet Academy across town next week?

Class: Twelve hands go up out of the class of 25.

Instructor: Good, good, I’m sure you will find your experience fulfilling and worthwhile. I never made it higher than corporal. I was conscripted in 1944 out of University to help put down the Bolshevik sponsored Slavic uprising in the Ostmarch, and later the Slavic uprising in the Northern Ural province. Because I did not attend the Academy, nor did my family come from a military background, and I had a degree in History and Teaching, the High Command felt I could better serve the Fatherland as a rifleman. Those are experiences I will cherish for the rest of my life.

[A hand goes up in the student body]
Instructor: Yes, Rolf?

Rolf: How could you be drafted into the infantry after you graduated University? You are too smart for that.

Instructor: You have to remember, Rolf that I pre-date the system that you grew into. In my day there was no standardized testing to channel talents toward proper life-goals. I chose to become a teacher. I was born in 1920; please keep the snickering to a minimum. I witnessed Austria join the Reich. I was also there to see the world stand in opposition to our cause. I tried to join the Navy, but was rejected because I have one bad ear. My family then enrolled me in University. My father felt that I could serve my country better by joining the ranks of Academia. I know this sounds strange to you, so I will try to explain.

[The instructor pauses for a moment]

Instructor: I know that most of you have, at least once, wondered how people could grow up in family units in family homes. Though the concept is repugnant to you, I assure you that when your first tour is up, you will be allowed to live in an apartment, away from your barracks life, perhaps even take a wife. I’m sure also, that some of you may have trouble adjusting.

Instructor: How many of you come from a Kindergruppe?

[All twenty-five hands go up]

Instructor: Of course, just checking. All of you are the product of the Reich’s eugenics program. As you all know, several American thinkers postulated the concept of Eugenics in the 1910’s. It was a hot topic in America until after our defeat in the Great War, and then it died out. The Americans had no idea how shortsighted it was to reject this concept. I was born into a conventional family in Saarbrucken. I had a mother and a father, plus two brothers and four sisters. We lived in a house inherited from my mothers’ father. A rather large home built in the 19th century. My father was too old to serve in the War of German Liberation, but I did lose both my brothers to the war. I had a sister killed in a partisan attack in Scotland in 1943. She was there helping to distribute food-aid to the Scots when she was killed by a sniper. Needless to say the SS garrison in the city made the locals pay for their treachery.

My father died in 1953 and my mother currently lives in an Altfrau home here in Berlin. I donated the family estate to the Wehrmacht in 1945 to use in a new training base they were constructing nearby. I was well compensated by the Reich, and even got a telegram of thanks from SS-Reichfuherer Himmler the next week.

[The instructor paces for a moment]

Instructor: None of you have a father or a mother in the conventional sense. You are all each other’s brother and sister. A wonderful advantage bestowed upon you by National Socialism. Each of your biological fathers was matched with a perfect biological mother. Each of you comes from a perfect Aryan background. Each of you is the peak of human health and intelligence. No longer will nature tinker indiscriminately with our genes. All of you were born of your mothers and then brought to a selected Kindergruppe. It is irrelevant whether or not your actual parents were married, despite Victorian or American moralists may say. All thirty or so of you had a Pack Mother to take care of you, plus a large group of Untermench to see to your other needs. When you were five you entered your school instruction. When you were eight you took your first aptitude tests. Some of your pack brothers and sisters may have moved into different packs then, which is normal. When you were thirteen, you took more tests. At that time, those less capable were routed into packs that would destine them for manual labor or labor-like skills. When you were seventeen, more tests came that separated you into the skilled and the professional packs. Those in the skilled packs would become hands-on-thinkers. Those of you, like all of you before me now, would go on to inherit the leadership of the Reich. You will become the Generals, the Doctors, and the Government leaders that will carry the German culture to all the corners of the world.

[The instructor paces back to the head of the class]

Instructor: All of you are part of the larger family of Germany. You don’t need the old-fashioned family. It just gets in the way. I could have been in London for the executions of Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain in 1940 if not for my father. I could have seen the capture and execution of Stalin in the Ural Mountains in 1944, again, if not for my father. I’ve always been angry with that.

[The instructor raps his knuckles on the desktop of a student]

Instructor: Can any of you tell me why it was necessary to invade Great Britain in August 1940?

[All twenty-five hands go up]

Instructor: Yes, Elizabet?

Elizabet: The government in England refused to sign a peace treaty with the Reich. They declared war on the Reich even though we had not harmed them in any way. Fuehrer Hitler had no alternative then to invade and put a stop to British criminal activities.

Instructor: And the operation that brought England into the Reich?

Elizabet: First Operation Sea Lion to invade the Islands, then Operation Overlord to purify the population.

Instructor: Correct. We lost 30,000 men taking the Islands, then another 55,000 men, women, and children while pacifying and purifying the population. It was in Overlord that I lost my sister. Erie became a protectorate of the Reich in 1941…so ended the great experiment of Great Britain.

Why else did we need to bring Great Britain into the Reich?

Instructor: Yes, Ernst?

Ernst: The United States had made its intents all too clear to the Reich by 1940. President Roosevelt had been goading the Congress into helping England and the French colonies resist our advances. If the Americans had been able to use England as a base, then it is likely that we could have lost the war.

Instructor: Germany loses the war to the Americans? Are you sure you want to be saying this?

Ernst: To be intellectually honest, one must look at all facts and factors. Until 1952 or 53, the Reich was having to assimilate and purify itself. New economic models had to be worked out. Had the Americans had an ally in the matter of England, then they would have had an unsinkable base with which to launch an invasion of our soil. We still had the Jews to deal with at that time, and both the radical and weak elements in our own society to root out. It is possible that the war could have ended differently for us if we had not secured our Western Theater of Operations prior to Operation Barbarossa.

Instructor: Absolutely correct, Ernst. Now that you bring up Russia, let’s talk about them, shall we?

Instructor: Can anyone explain to me how we came to invade Russia? I know that is a big question, so just stick with the highpoints.

Instructor: Yes, Heinrich?

Heinrich: It was historical destiny for us to reach into those lands. The Russians certainly weren’t doing anything with it. We needed living space, we needed the resources that they were squandering, and we needed the oil that the land had.

Instructor: Let’s divert for a moment and talk about oil. By the time Barbarossa was launched in June 1941, the Reich had already incorporated much of the Middle East such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Persia. That is 85% of all the oil in the world. Why invade Russia?

Heinrich: The Vichy French tried to conquer the remaining British colonies in the area and botched it. We had to send in soldiers from Egypt to bolster their forces. Iraqi and Persian forces collapsed much faster than we could have hoped and we found ourselves masters of that land with very little in the way of troops. We then realized that we now faced Russia both in the East and the South. It would be easy to build up troops in the South without arising Stalin’s suspicions. Had we not had the Southern attack routs open, it is possible that we would have been forced to attenuate our Eastward thrust into Soviet territory. By January 1942 we controlled all of Russia West of the Urals.

Instructor: Good, good, but why did we have to destroy the Soviets?

Gerhard: [cutting in] They were a nest of Communist rats that if we had not crushed them when we did could have eventually over-run us with numbers. Those Slavs breed like rats and if not for our sterilization programs we’d be knee deep in them today. They make good servants and workers, but you can’t trust them with anything more than that.

Instructor: Excellent, Gerhard. Now, how do our Italian and Japanese allies fit into the Reich?

[Gerhard snorts]

Instructor: Yes Helmut?

Helmut: Italy had been a source of trouble all through the 1940’s, with one failed operation after another. We finally replaced Italian leadership in 1949. Italy has been a full Province since 1954, much like Bohemia, France, England, Wales, Scotland, and Nordicum. The Balkans and Marches still need to be colonized more before they can become full Provinces. The Middle East countries continue to be administered as Protectorates. The only country to have some independence from the Reich is India (by an agreement with Japan). The other supposedly ‘Neutral’ nations of Sweden and Switzerland were brought into the Reich in 1943.
The Japanese have been useful in that they have kept the United States’ attention for many years. The only blunder our Yellow allies have had to date is the ill-fated operation against Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Though the Yellow monkeys have been able to hold onto the Philippines, they were unable to hold onto Wake or Midway Island. They currently stare at the Americans across the demilitarized zone in Australia. Since President Truman signed the end of the war with the Japs, Australia has threatened to re-start the war almost every year.

Instructor: Quite right. Now, why have we not helped our little yellow friends in their war with America?

Instructor: Yes, Julia?

Julia: It is in our best interests to keep the Japanese distracted with the United States. The Japs have been trying to keep a grip on China since 1931, Philippines since 1942, French Indochina since 1942, and the Eastern Marches of Siberia since 1943. Japan is a small nation with a smaller percentage of its population able to serve overseas. While they fight just to hold on to what they have, we continue to integrate our populations and industries. Also, the U.S. will not be permitted to defeat Japan.

Instructor: How so?

Julia: Since the treaty ending the war with America in 1942, we have been able to purify Europe and put the people to work on a number of technological inventions that the rest of the world cannot match, even today. America knows that if they seriously threaten our interests in the world, then we can drop Atomic Weapons on their cities, either with long-range bombers (of which only us and the United States have that can cross the Atlantic and return), or with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. It is simply impossible for the Americans to harm the Third Reich without also causing their country to be destroyed. We have existed like this now since 1946, the year we successfully tested our new Atomic Weapons. Only America has been able to duplicate our Atomics. It is also America that has tried to keep pace with our Space Program.

Instructor: Now that you bring up the space, lets talk about the Space Station.

Instructor: Yes, Philip?

Philip: The Reich was the first to put a man into orbit in 1956. Since 1958 we have sent probes to the moon and the inner planets. We currently have a 23-man crew on Space Station Von Braun, which was finished in 1962. They are constructing the vessel that will send our people to the moon. The Americans have put people into space, but they sent a Monkey first. Only they would send a monkey to do a mans’ job [snickers fill the class].

Instructor: Yes, yes. The American program has met with many, many setbacks. Even though it was an American who invented modern rocketry, it was the citizens of the Reich that perfected them. The Americans are trying to go directly from the Earth to the Moon without the use of a platform, and they may succeed, but to what end? Gather some rocks and put one, maybe two men down at a time? What is the point? We will go there to stay. We will spread ourselves throughout the planets.

Instructor: Ok, back to Russia for a moment. The Americans say that our superiority only comes about through the brutal terrorization of lesser peoples. How do you speak to that?

Instructor: Yes, Lothar?

Lothar: I’m sorry, but I’ve never understood how the Americans can think that we are doing anything original, or originally bad. Wasn’t it the European Americans that systematically exterminated the Native Americans? Didn’t they push them first onto reservations and then into near-oblivion? Hypocrites. I can’t even debate with an American unless I can get him to admit that the Indians deserved what history gave them. We have done to the Untermench nothing less then what they have done to the Indians. We have just taken things to their logical conclusion faster. Have we missed the Jews? No. Have we missed the Gypsies? No. Have we missed all those Slavs? No. They serve a useful purpose working in our factories and doing all the jobs we don’t wish to do. Darwin had it all right. We have been endowed by evolution with superiority. Nature selected that these lesser races become extinct. We just help it along. The Slavs and other non-Aryans make useful servants, nothing more. We tame the Slavs with our Wehrbauern (warrior farmers) and develop the land for useful purposes.

Instructor: Excellent, class. Now, have any of the women in the class been selected for the Eugenics Program?

[Three of the twelve women in class raise their hands and one man]

Instructor: Don’t worry; I’m sure that all of you will be allowed to have children in your lifetime. Sorry, Adolph, I didn’t mean to exclude you. It is quite an honor to be selected right out of University. I hope you all have many, many children. We need to fill the ranks of the Wehrbauern and pacify the eastern territories. That is best accomplished by growing our population exponentially.

Instructor: Well that is enough of that. Since this is your last day, and you all have worked hard to get here, I will allow you all to socialize with the other graduating packs today. You are all free to mix throughout the school. I cannot begin to tell you all how proud I am of you. Next week I will get another pack to educate, and you all will be embarking on your new careers. I release you.
Instructor: Heil Hitler.

[Class stands and raises their right arms]

Class: Heil Hitler!

Instructor: Heil Fuehrer Bormann!

Class: Heil Fuehrer Bormann!

Recording ends.

Note: This document will dissolve in ten days. Do not photocopy or otherwise duplicate under penalty of banishment.

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