Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why hate the Jews?

This individual has never understood the rabid hatred expressed around the world, especially in Europe and the Liberals in this country to Jews in general and Israel in particular. They have never been a numerous people, nor have they ever been particularly powerful either culturally or militarily. Their history books list one conquerer after another from the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Hittites, other Semites, Romans, and an assortment of Arabs. They have been kicked around and kicked out of countries and professions for over 4,000 years; and yet they continue to persist as a people while so many others have vanished from the history books. Just to name a few ethnic groups that are either gone or fading are: Goths, Avars, Ruthenians, Huns (not to be confused with Magyars), Franks, Gauls, and Lombards, just to name a very few. Yet peoples such as the Hellenes (modern Greeks), Germans (oh, yes, they have been around a while), Slavs (about as long as the Jews), and the Helvetius (modern Swiss) persist strongly into our modern era.

Say what you will, the Jews have staying power. They survived a forced migration into and out of Babylon (while the modern Arabs were still roaming the deep deserts in the Arabian peninsula), a forced migration because of the Egyptians (again, the Arabs were still scattered bands living far from Israel) and then rebuilt their homeland, again. Then the Romans came and the Jews got irritated. Not once, but twice. Most peoples did not survive crossing the Romans more than once. The second uprising in the 70's a.d. was the final straw and the Romans dispersed them again, intending that their legacy be absorbed by those stronger than them. It did not work out that way. They persisted and thrived in communities all over Europe. They endured the long night that was the interval between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, and they endured being the bogyman for everything.

Why are they hated around the Western culture and the Arab culture so much? What is it that they have ever done or do? When many nations in Europe tried to drive them out by denying them certain professions, they were forced to excel at what they could. Thus was born the Jewish banker and Gem dealer (I wonder if the word Jewelry has any roots here?). Later they got into media and broadcasting because there was more tolerance for them in those areas (yes, once).

I thought we Americans rooted for the Underdog? The Jews are histories ultimate underdogs. More cultures have tried to stamp out those people down through the millennia than I can count, and yet they persist. Since the end of WWII they have been finally allowed to gather in their ancestral homeland. They have been attacked there as well and have mandates against them that allow for the murder of pregnant women and little children. They have been swarmed on all sides and have emerged victorious against their Arab neighbors in war after war. Hitler weeded out the weak and hardened the resolve of those who escaped or survived. The Jewish state today seems beset on all sides with enemies and pseudo-friends (U.S.).

I personally admire the Jews, just as I admire the Greeks and the Slavs. Those people have been around for thousands of years, maintaining distinctive cultures despite who may be attempting to wipe out or assimilate them. I have never understood why so many people actually hate them. I've known many in my time and find them to be people just like any other. Can you even pick a Jew out of a line-up? Hitler could not, which is why he made them put a star on their clothing and place of business. I don't know why the Arabs hate them either. The Jews were in the area of Palestine (a name that pre-dates the word "Arab") for two thousand years before there is any mention of the Arabs in any meaningful way. The Romans knew they were out there, deep in the deserts for a long time. They were useful for trading exotic spices and items, but they were semi-nomadic at best and simply did not have enough worth conquering.

Today when I hear of the "Palestinian" people I flinch at how ignorant those people are. If the word must be used, it is more appropriately used with the Jews. Mohammed founded what I like to think of as a "Frat" religion. If you were to get a bunch of college age boys together and have them create a way of life, then Islam is what you would get. Men who can marry more than one woman, and them dump them when they get irritating. There are other examples, but I'll try to keep it brief. They: still worship the moon, they worship a meteor in Mecca, they preach peace while spilling blood, they treat women worse than cattle while preaching love and understanding... Like I said, I could go on and on.

Islam claims to be an offshoot of the Jewish faith, just as Christianity is an offshoot, yet they profess to hate them so much. To hate the Jews is to hate your own legacy. The first Christians were Jews. Jesus was a JEW. The Arabs needed some wrapping paper to hold their new Frat religion together, so they lifted parts of Jewish and Christian lore and claimed that they were the next iteration of God's will. Yeeeeeaaah....doubt it.

This is a longer missive than intended. Perhaps I'll update it later when I notice another attack on the Jews for....I don't know---being so darned Jewish.


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