Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Obama, true to himself

From the Stoa tonight I want to discuss truth. Not truth to one another but truth to oneself. I'm not discussing just the reality bubble and reality filter that we all have, I'm talking about the naked self. This is the individual that speaks to you at night, when you are alone and looking at your life. A mature individual is able speak the truth to themselves, without sugar-coating reality.

These are people who do not have a hard time making a decision, good or bad. When I hear Sarah Palin answering a tough moral question, she does not hesitate, nor does she hedge her answer to placate another group of people. She is true to herself. If someone challenges her with a moral paradox she is still able to properly place the information within her own image of self to resolve the conflict while staying true to herself.

Obama is a narcissist, with all the baggage that comes with that diagnosis, however, he, too, is true to himself. Where he is found lacking in a comparison with Sarah Palin is that he will say and do whatever is necessary to obtain a goal or a desire. He will lie to the public, the media, his advisors, and possibly even to his wife, however, when he is falling asleep at night, I'm sure that he knows what he wants and knows what he must do. There is a subtleness to this that I'm afraid I can not adequately describe in a short blog item. To be brief, there is an answer that I give people who are up-coming leaders in the business world, specifically those at the beginning who are asking me for advice on how to climb the ladder. My first answer to them is always the same: make sure that you are climbing the right ladder. There are those that, due to obligations, family responsibilities, or simple ego, pursue a goal or dream unto their destruction. In the very least, they find that they fail employers who find an intelligent employee, though far less capable then anticipated. Look up and study the "Peter Principle" for a longer version of this explanation. Obama, I feel, falls into this category. The families of these people suffer because their husband can't keep a job or find satisfaction in their work.

Obama knew that he wanted the power to influence his society, the ability to remake reality to his own satisfaction. The power to impose his moral view of society. With that being the end, he simply looked for those that could deliver the means. He sat at the knee of those that hated this country and its perceived injustices, its ego-centrism and its overwhelming power in terms of cultural and military influence in the world. He surrounded himself with Marxists, criminals, terrorists, and black theology. These people spoke to something within a maturing Barak Obama. He became a willing tool and vessel for those that wished a common agenda and vision to be imposed upon this society.

Throughout his climb to power, he has been whatever he needed to be for the circumstances. Now that he is in power and the mask is off, he is doing exactly what he told everyone he was going to do. The willing media have given him the cover he has needed to execute his goals. He is not Bill Clinton because Clinton knew when he needed to change direction to survive politically. Obama is true to himself and his nature.

Some of those I speak to feel that after the Democrats are blown out in November, that Obama will have to "come to the Center". I can tell you that I believe that Obama will not budge a bit from his Socialist/Marxist agenda. He has already told elements in the government, the DNC and especially the RNC, that there will be no course changing in his agenda. He will not slow the tempo nor the angle of his agenda. He believes in what he believes in and now that he is in power he is going to make his bold move. Expect more of the same. When asked a question without handlers or a prepared speech by a plumber he told him exactly what he felt was good for people. Spreading the wealth and equal results for everyone. When asked about abortion, he said, without too much stuttering, that he would not want his daughter "punished" with a baby. These are things he took flak for, but I don't recall hearing him temper those statements with much more than a shoulder shrug.

So, say what you want about the man, at least he is true to his beliefs. I would even go so far as to say that he is true to himself about his abilities as well, which is why he has surrounded himself with those that do all of the heavy lifting, thinking, and policy development for him. Obama is the ultimate embodiment of an enabled "Peter Principle", that is, an individual that is permitted to climb because of his or her usefulness to others.

It is late on the Stoa and time to turn in. Be true to yourself, people.


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