Sunday, October 31, 2010

Free Market -- Default Mode

Instead of leaves being swept from the Stoa this afternoon, it is candy wrappers. Lots and lots of candy wrappers.

I have said it before and since this is a truth, it deserves to be repeated. Free markets and capitalistic methodologies are the human default mode. At the base of the Stoa last night and into this afternoon, there are neighbor children swapping, trading, and otherwise begging candy from one another. Even candy has a relative value and worth. I discovered that a York Peppermint Patty is worth two Milky Ways and one Three Musketeers is worth two packs of Skittles.

Children need to be taught to share. This is because we have an instinct to gather, hoard, and possess that must be overcome, to some degree, to function in large groups. Socialism must be forced upon a majority of the population. Just ask the Soviet Union and the Khmer of Cambodia. In many cases, those that don't want it must be eliminated lest they talk to those that are wavering in their acceptance.

Stoics have a belief that stress and conflict arise when one is doing something contrary to their nature. Being at peace is to recognize your behavior and attempt to live it. This does not mean pacifism; remember that Marcus Aurelius was a devout Stoic who also rode to war on a horse to conquer German territory and instill fear in those neighboring tribes. He acted according to his nature.

Children and their parents "want". It is that simple. We certainly have "needs", but wanting, needing, and possessing are the rub of the issue. If people are allowed to set the value of objects based on their worth to other individuals, then the maximum number of people will be happy and productive. Wealth will grow and appear from seeming nothingness, as those with lower value work harder to have enough currency to buy items of higher value. In Socialism, all you have to do is sit around and wait for your masters to strip the wealth from one person and give it to you. No work required, just "Hope".

If the Tea Party mystifies you, then just sit down your children after Halloween, grab the neighbor kids for good measure, and then sort out the candy and give everyone a share of all the types of candy, regardless of type or effort expended in its accumulation. If you survive the uprising, tears, and all around unhappiness, then you have successfully Socialized Halloween. At the same time, once you turn around and are not imposing your (government) will upon the group, the horse-trading will immediately start up and the kids will once again get what they want and trade what they do not want.

Now, just swap kids for the American populace and candy for our income and possessions. The Democrats are seeing us throw a fit because they are re-distributing our wealth, our hard work, and our earnings to those who have not worked as hard as us. It is no more difficult to understand then that, though I'm sure they understand just fine.

The Stoa is noisy this afternoon and I must go and begin sweeping up these wrappers lest they interfere with those wishing to sit around the base later in the day.

Live well.


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