Friday, January 8, 2010

When Comedy becomes Reality

Over the Christmas holidays I was introduced to a move that came out a few years ago. I'm sure many of you have seen it, but I don't watch a lot of TV these days that is not a documentary or a Sci Fi show that I follow. My wife stayed up one night to watch it and then parked me down in front of the TV to watch it the next night.

"An American Carol". There were parts of it that made me cringe and then wonder when I became such a prude (oh, yeah, when I had kids of my own). Other parts of it were, in my opinion, profound. It had a real "Airplane" feel to it (like because it was produced by some of the same people), but was sober and truthful when it placed a spot light on the logical inconsistencies inherent in the (and I use this very, very loosely) Liberal/Progressive thought process.

The part of the movie that was meant as comedy but will soon be reality is the portion where you see people trying to get cleared to get on an airplane. They are literally stripped naked to make sure that they are not bringing on explosives or explosive components. At one station, a fellow bends over and has a cavity search performed on him. In all honesty, even that will not stop a determined bomber.

If you are determined to die on your mission then anything is possible. An airliner is just a pressurised aluminum tube, essentially a big Thermos with engines. It does not take much to punch a hole in one, thus a guy with a bomb stitched into his Haynes. If you are willing to die bringing down an airplane over Detroit (why Detroit, it could fall into downtown and not hurt more than the people on the plane?) then you are willing to have your teeth removed and replaced with hollowed out capsules filled with acids or explosive components. I'm not talking a hollowed out tooth, but a capsule in a socket disguised as a tooth. How about a false eye? You can put a lot of fluid in one of those. Is a jihadist willing to have an eye plucked out and replaced with a hollow fake? If they are willing to die at 30,000 feet, then yes, I do suppose they would do this. How about a hollowed out Mastoid Air Cell (you'll just have to look it up)? Lot of space there. A cavity search would not find this, nor would the airport scanners. Not even a sniffing dog would find them if the chemical was sealed weeks earlier.

If they are determined enough to die with the plane then we will lose planes. The best way to get out of a full nelson, a fighting instructor taught in boot camp, is not to get into one. The best way to keep a jihadist from bringing down a plane is not to let one get on. If they are on a no fly list, you do not get on. I know, if you don't have a passport you can not get on. That's a good one.

However, the best part of the film, by far encapsulating the disassociation of reality that liberals suffer from is the scene with Voight as President Washington. The Moore analog is sputtering about the reasons for 9/11 being entirely America's fault. He sites bases over seas, American commercialism, American consumption, and on and on and on. Washington simply asks, "Is that what you are going to say when you stand before St. Peter?" A moment later he simply states, "That will not do." Or to that effect. Makes me shiver just trying to remember it.

I have always felt that the most powerful truths are those that can be uttered without complexity and without description. "That will not do," sums that up perfectly. There is no room for excuses; it is what it is. The Moore analog could talk for hours but it will all be undone with a simple phrase, banishing the illusion of lies that people build for themselves (their personal/shared bubble).

Truth will always be the truth. It can not be anything else. You can erect scaffolds of lies and 'spin' around anything, but in the end, with the passage of time and the passing of those with a dog in the fight, the truth will always come out and be recognized as such. We now know almost everything that Stalin has done in his life, yet hundreds of millions in the Soviet occupied territories hadn't a clue. We now know that FDR really died of cancer that had metastasized to his brain. Is this important today? Only to those historians interested in getting history right, I'm sure.

Will America ever come to know what a mistake it made with the election of BHO in 2008? The mistake it made developing Progressivism in the early 20th Century (Woodrow Wilson and T. Roosevelt).

It may be hundreds of years later and the territory now comprising the United States may have a different name and a different government, but I'm sure that some school kid somewhere will be having a discussion with an instructor in Ancient American history and how the Republic rotted from within and was finally brought down by a Populist Demagogue, just like Republican Rome was brought down by the Populist Caesar.


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