Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey, I said sober up!

Alright, alright, perhaps I was not clear enough the last time (that's a first) when I said to sober up. I've posted before that the Republicans should not get any office or election victory unless they espouse their traditional, "Declaration of Independence" platform of values. In the 1850's, when the Republican Party wrote up its foundational beliefs, it was two pages long. I love brevity (though you'll never get it with me). Constitution - 6 pages, original Republican platform - 2 pages. Sure, they wrote free hand in small lettering back then, but even if typed out they fall well short of the 2,000 page monsters that the Congress is so fond of these days.

They drew their entire meaning of existence from the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. The Federalist Papers figure heavily in there as well. They were to safeguard the rights and duties outlined in those documents.

I have read article after article, stat after stat showing Republicans in double digit leads over their Democrat opponents, incumbent or otherwise. The only reason why the Republicans are getting this kind of attention is because they are not Democrats. That is the WORST reason to vote for them. I am seeing WAY too much of this, "we're entitled" rhetoric on the part of the GOP. Stop it and look to your fundamentals.

Scott Brown won because he adhered to solid Conservative principles. Whether he actually believes in them or can hold to those principles over time (I'm looking square at you, Newt) remains to be seen. We just don't know if he is going to be another McCain, or, god help us, a Snowe or Graham.

I see things coming in steps. Right now we are seeing the Democrat party implode due to internal conflicts between the Progressives and traditional Democrats. The Blue Dogs really should be thought of as more Traditional-minded, classical Democrats; though even that may be stretching it. The bluest-Blue Dog is still more Liberal than a Truman. I heard a speech from BHO the other day where he indicated his desire for the Progressives and the Republicans to work together. Helloooo, did you mean Democrats or do you mean an unmasked Progressive Party, Mr. Obama?

So, in this first phase, the Democrats will finally collapse and re-emerge as the Progressive Party (by the end of this). Those Democrats who are part of the Progressive Caucus already hold a large majority of Chairmanships in Congress. Just take the mask off, folks.

Then, the Democrats get eviscerated in November by very frustrated voters. Republicans of all types will be part of this intake. From Conservative Republicans (who lean Libertarian) all the way over to the Flaming RINOs (your Grahams and Snowes).

The Tea Party movement and the 9/12 folks will be vetting these people; watching them and nudging them. These are the awoken majority in this country, the ones that have been silent for so long. Those who are Proud Americans first, Conservatives second, and Republicans a distant third. They will bark and growl when they see a Republican wander off the path. In 2012, the party will harden. Those Democrats that did not get voted out, may get ousted here as well, since I don't see Obama backing off, even in the face of a Republican House and/or Senate. The Democrats will still be around, perhaps even in large numbers, but they will be cowed and fearful of angering the majority, now that they are awake and have found their voices (Liberals have NEVER been the majority in this country).

Those Republicans that have proven themselves to be RINOs or sympathetic RINOs will find themselves ousted in Primaries by their more Conservative ilk. If the right candidate runs for President, (no Romney, I don't think this is your "turn") then we could see the mirror image of what we see today. I am really starting to warm up to the Pence fellow in Indiana.

The first step is, of course, to rip out the guts of the Democrats. Oppose them on everything, including the time of day. Polite is as polite does. Be civil, but relentless of purpose. When they act stupid, treat that accordingly. When they raise up straw men, knock them down. Bush refused to do this and it dragged him down. For every straw man knocked down, you discredit one Liberal operative. Don't relent and don't have pity on them. They never showed an ounce (or should I say gram) for conservatives. They must never be allowed to get away with anything, main stream media control or not.

The majority may fall asleep again in the years to come and things will drift again, but I can only hope that the template of a self-correcting mechanism have been created for use in the future.

Health care is not dead either, people. Like the undead, it keeps coming back. Worse for wear, of course, with the beating it has taken, but even more dangerous. More dangerous because the Progressives will simply twist it and refine it and shape it so that something will pass. That something will be a very thin wedge that will be hammered at for the next few years or decades. It is what Progressives are good at. They have been thrashed before. The 1880's, the 1920's, the 1940's, and the 1980's; they keep coming back. The vehicle is different (Prohibition, Women's Rights, the Alphabet soup of FDR, Abortion, Climate Change) but the message is the same. They know better; they are smarter and we are all idiots. It is all for our own good and we really must back off and let them do this.

Reconciliation, Senate Rules (removing filibuster), forced vote with defections (Snowe) or end runs will get this bill across the goal line. I have heard all four in the last three days. The trial balloons are going up all over. Dems have been all over the RINOs, working to get them to flip. Pelosi floated two balloons in a single day. She discussed Reconciliation and End Runs. An End Run is when you take out the objectionable material, split it up into single bills, and then attach them throughout the legislative agenda on things like defence spending or stimulus spending. That is how we got the roots of the Death Panels planted already (in the $787 Billion Porkulus bill). She will get all that other stuff passed out of sight, hidden in other bills. They will be sockets already set up, waiting for the other end to be created by the passage of "Health Care Reform". The bill itself will look reasonable, perhaps even acceptable, but when passed, it will mix with stuff already created (Porkulus was one such socket) and the genie will be out of the bottle. Game over.

Don't rest and don't relax your vigilance. I know they won't.

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