Thursday, January 21, 2010

Staying Sober

OK, everyone, just ease up out there. Get some coffee and slow down. So Brown won. So he won "The Ted Kennedy" seat. Yes, he sounded the Conservative bell and said many of the right things (well, up until he offered up his daughter). He has not passed my RINO test yet. Once the one trick pony has done his trick (and vote against the health bill) we'll see just what kind of Republican we are dealing with. A Reganite or a disciple of McCain?

This victory has dealt the Progressives a bad blow and likely has delayed, yes, I'm saying delayed, their onslaught, but they will be back. They have spent the last year, frantically stomping on everything in their way, whether it was a legally binding contract, a State constitution, tradition, custom, or common sense to get every piece of their Marxist agenda through the house and past the more moderate (that's a very relative term) members of the Democrat Party.

The Progressives did not spend that amount of time and energy just to fail now. They got the ball up to the one yard line and spent 4 downs trying to get it across the goal. They are not done. Over the last year they shed any of the few vestiges of decency and democracy they may have once possessed. With the mask gone, they can never go back. They have no choice now but charge through the fire. That is also the advice of the dead hand of Saul Alinsky. Double down and all that.

Several Democrats have said that Health Care must be re-evaluated and perhaps we have not been listening as closely to the people as we should. The President blamed Bush, again. Other Progressives are saying that perhaps they moved too slow on their agenda (really?) and the people elected Brown as a warning to them to hurry up and get their agenda done. Talk about dense. Put the book back on the shelf; I ain't buying it.

They are cornered and without a mask any longer. They are simply regrouping right now. If they have to over turn the 60 vote rule in the Senate, they will do it. If they have to pass a very thin wedge of a health bill (as proposed by BHO last night) and then hammer later, they will do just that. Not over by a long shot.

Another ray of sun shine came out from behind the Marxist cloud today. The Supreme Court finally got something right for a change. They essentially gutted McCain/Finegold, doing away with the preferential treatment that Unions and the uber-wealth got with political campaign contributions.

I'll admit, at first I did not grasp the significance of this, distracted as I was with other things. I frowned when I saw that Justice Kennedy wrote the assenting paper (liberal that he is). Hours later, I then decided to see how the other justices ruled and raised an eyebrow when I saw all the uber-liberals in the dissent. I then put a few tasks at work on hold and read through the entire ruling, noting that this was a repudiation of the McCain/Feingold bill. Awesome.

This breaks the strangle hold on free speech that the Democrats have enjoyed for years. Big business will be less likely (a little) to get into bed with a President and his/her administration to curry favor. They will be able to work to get their candidate elected, just as I can. I have no problem with corporations donating money, as long as it is all out in the open.

For years the 527's have been the chess pieces of the Left. George Soros and his demon-pack of 527's have terrorized Democrats and Republicans to the point that the mere announcement that is targeting them for removal has caused them to change their policy. Not good. The Right was never really able to muster much of a response to this because they are out doing what they do; live life, earn a living, and mind their own business. That is a noticeable difference to contrast with the Liberal and/or Democrat. Democrats live for politics and organize as such, Republicans are public service oriented. They are individualistic, not collective. There is strength in numbers and collective action. The battlefield naturally favors the Liberal and the Democrat.

I am cautiously optimistic of the future. America has been grievously wounded with poor fiscal and foreign policy over the last year. Damage that will take decades to repair, irrespective of the incoming administrations. The national debt must be addressed, faith in our currency must be restored, and faith in the word and handshake of the U.S. must be reestablished (I'm thinking of Poland and the Czech Republic). Who knows what seeds have been planted around the world with Obama's ineptitude? A Theocratic Iran was born of Carter, Totalitarian North Korea is the child of Truman and Eisenhower, Venezuela that of Bush 43; and the list can go on. Who knows what fruit will be born of the seeds planted this last year.

Rejoice that a Republican has been elected. Enjoy the euphoria and the hope that comes with it. Please do.I'll stand sentry and keep a clear eye fixed on the shadows that surround us.


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