Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reality Check

The recent terrorist (yes, I said terrorist...I'm looking at you Mr. President) attempt in Detroit and the governments' response to it just have me shaking my head in a rather morbid way.

Those in the government seem to think that if they are polite to the terrorists, smile at them, treat them with kid's gloves, turn a blind eye to their activities and generally leave them alone that somehow they will leave us alone. That is juvinile thinking at best and loony tunes at its worst.

They don't care if we allow Israel to be destroyed, they will try it anyhow. They don't care if we allow tens of millions of Muslims into this country, they will still hate us. Islam simply can not exist with any, and let me be clear with this...ANY other religion. I'll even go so far as to say that it can not coexist with any other philosophy or government model. Islam is all of that rolled into one belief system.

Am I clear on that? You are either one of them (take your pick of flavor) or you are an infidel. An infidel must submit (the very definition of the word Islam, I want to add) to one of two fates. 1) Convert, 2) accept second class status and pay taxes to the State. There is no 3rd choice with them (unless you choose death, then I guess you do have three choices). Got it, yet?

BHO decides to close Gitmo, why? Gives us a bad image and just creates more terrorists. What came first, Gitmo or 9/11 (don't get cute, I know we've had Gitmo since 1898)? How about the Munich Olympics, or that plane in Uganda? How about Jerusalem in 1944 (no, wait, those were Jews bombing Brits, never mind).

Anyhow, what I'm getting at here is that reality is reality, no matter what words you assign to them. Did the "War on Terror" end when Obama ordered that it be renamed, "Overseas Contingency Force"? This Christmas would tell us, NO. Unless you live at the Quantum level (physics geeks will get it) reality is what it is. Wishing it were different does not make it so. Islam hates us with every particle of its existence. It will not rest until the entire world is under its control. There can be no other reality.

No, I don't believe in a "moderate" Muslim. If you know where to look on the Internet, you can find hundreds of websites, sites located physically in the United States, where these terrorist actions are celebrated and applauded. On my own soil I have, "moderate" Muslims rooting for the other team. If you feel that way about America, GET OUT! If you don't like it here, leave. Make room for someone else who actually loves this country.

Sure, you have the right to free speech, but in a time of war, if your speech is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, they you have just bought yourself a one-way ticket back to your dusty, impoverished homeland. You won't go to prison, but you can't stay here.

I have said since at least the early 1980's that tension between Islam and the rest of the world will only be solved by a civilization busting war. A war that will be bloody beyond all previous measure as the enemy has been steadily building up its numbers in all of our cities for at least the last 100 years. Up until President Bush launched the War on Terror, their plans had been to quietly populate our cities (most successful in Europe after WWII), move into the machine of government and then dismantle the infidel civilization from within. Remember, there are no "moderate" Muslims. Push comes to shove and Muslims will fall in line with the radical elements of their belief system. This has proven very successful in France, Sweden and Norway (and Germany). The gloves are off and if the West can wake up from its Multi-cultural nightmare and deal with the enemy that is not just in the gates but among the defenders then we can still save ourselves.

Am I a racist? You decide. I really don't care what you call me. Think about this and let me know if I may be missing something here.



  1. One is not a racist if they are suspious of Islam or Muslims. Islam is not a race at all. It is a violent idiology. True Islam teaches that Islam must rule the world and they will do anything that accomplishes their goal...even kill each other in large numbers. All all Muslims terrorists? No, but most terrorist do seem to be Muslim.
