Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Affirmative Healthcare?

The other day my wife brought up a good point. If the government is going to control our health care, and government will be controlling the delivery of health care, is it not reasonable to assume that they will control (as they already control to some extent) the research and development of new equipment and medicines? I thought that was reasonable.

Death Panels? Though there will not likely be a sign on a hallway wall directing you to the "Death Panel Conference Room", there are provisions aplenty that create them in everything but name only. So given all that, what is to keep the government from pushing its obvious "Social Justice" program (or should I say pogrom) on the American people? What is to keep them from deciding who gets medical care, any medical care, if you are of the 'wrong' party affiliation?

In Czechoslovakia, the party bosses got the best health care the country could offer (poor by our standards, but outstanding compared to what the other people got). If they needed to go to Berlin or Moscow for care, then they were sent for that care. Some even went to the West for their care.

The President has already stated that they will not be hiring anyone else in the government machinery that are affiliated with the Republican Party. He has already demonstrated, through his distribution of TARP funds and other Federal monies, that Democrat controlled States, and Democrat controlled Counties will get the lion share of money (85-15%). It is not a long logical leap to having them withhold health care dollars from RNC States and Counties. Not a stretch at all for him to dole out the largess to his supporters (followers?).

I want to be wrong, but he is already doing much of this stuff. The other part of what my wife brought up, really her main theme, was that the government would have to please all of its minority constituents at the cost of the majority. To bring in votes from the Hispanic (he already gets 97% of the Black vote) he will fund programs designed to help just them (business groups and coalitions included). Funds that need to go for one type of research, based on the benefit to the largest number of people, like Cancer, will go towards AIDS research or Hispanic outreach programs.

To think that health care will be doled out based only on your ability to vote Democrat and/or be a useful tool or idiot for their policies is absolutely abhorrent to me.

A point I made to my daughter the other week helps to explain my point (so put down the "he is a racist" sign) was about how much money is enough? People feel that if you throw piles of money at problems then you can make them go away. This just is not so. You can not simply decide to find a cure for Cancer by a specific date. Throwing money at the problem only helps to a point. There needs to be enough scientists to do the research, hospitals to do the clinical trials, and time to discover and develop the medicines and techniques to treat the disease. A saturation point will be reached where the amount of money no longer helps move the process along.

My wife feels that the money will find a home in the pockets of everyone along the way. Sort of like pouring the money down a funnel that has thousands of people pulling from the funnel regardless of how much enters it. At the bottom, not so much as a single penny will fall out as long as the government is dumping unaccounted dollars down it.

Affirmative healthcare? Yep, I can believe that.

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