Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tribalism and the death of Reason

Tonight upon the Stoa I watch the the fires flicker in the night.  I watch in silence and deep contemplation.  

The chaos engulfing my country is not about the death of a black man at the hands of a white police man.  Those that claim this as their cause are being used as useful idiots by those organizing the arson and the violence.  There are many among the "protesters" who have come to this same conclusion and it has, I believe, given them pause.  Those running this black theater have waited for just this event to provide the cover they need to nudge this country towards authoritarianism.  Though President Trump is in the White House, they know that the day will come when he will leave.  If "their" person is able to assume the office down the road, then whatever powers they are able to get in place now can be used to stay in power forever.  Please remember that last sentence.  Please remember.

The vast majority of the citizens of this country do not think the way the these insurgents do. "They" know that a very small minority can seize control from the majority if they do it right.  Communists made up a very small percentage of the population of the U.S.S.R.   There were very few true NAZI Party members in Germany.  Even the massive police state called China must have fewer than 5% of the population as true Communists.  

These people have spent decades preparing the ground that is being fought upon at this time.  Democrat and Progressive, Conservative and Republican...what does all this mean today.  What does it all boil down to?  When a lefty says that they will vote for Joe Biden even if he were to violently rape a woman on camera, then there is something seriously wrong with them.  I know with certainty that if President Trump raped a woman on camera I'd be calling for his immediate arrest, not granting him another 4 years in the White House.  This seems logical...right?  Why would you vote for a man who would do that?

Tribalism is the only explanation.  Like the chant American Patriots made during the Vietnam War, "My Country Right or Wrong".  To me, that is a flawed reasoning, for obvious reasons to any who have sat upon the steps of my Stoa.  Though I must admit, there ARE those that have sat upon my steps and shown clear signs of Tribalism.  It saddens me that even those that have rigorously trained themselves to be logical and virtuous can be tainted by tribal affiliations.  It almost angers me that those I have spoken with and worked with over a period of years can slide so totally back within the comforts of GroupThink.  

All are welcome at my Stoa, even those who seem to show a willing ignorance.  It is my burden to help them remove the chains that they themselves have forged.  You don't argue, you talk.  You don't yell, you reason.  Discussions that become trapped in Logic Boxes need to be analysed and either incorporated into a new understanding of the facts, or discarded as illogical assumption.  It is easy, though time consuming.  It is also utterly enjoyable.  It is disappointing when one of my "students" absolutely refuses to accept that which is logically presented to them as "truth".  They must re-evaluate their thoughts on certain subjects.  But like stubborn horses that refuse to drink the water they have been led to, my charges refuse to accept a truth that they themselves have arrived at.  I have never "won" an argument in my life.  One never really does.  Truths must be arrived at by individuals and then accepted or rejected.  Growth or stagnation...

I also must admit a certain trepidation and fear for the safety of a young man who has taught me much about how the left side of the spectrum thinks and functions.  Mr. Tim Pool.  He has had several videos lately describing in perfect detail a completely logical assessment of what is going on.  Upon my Stoa I would congratulate him, but tonight I fear for him.  At one time in his life he thought he may have been one of them.  He thought he was a common traveler.  He grew, he matured, and he integrated those lessons that life laid out to him.  Today, though, he is outlining the inner workings of how they think and how they operate.  Someone is going to want to silence him.  I pray he has taken precautions.  We share virtually nothing in life except a desire to understand the truth as it exists in reality and not this truth as we wish it to be that is being preached today.

If "they" ever come for me they find nothing but an old man sitting upon some steps, next to a column at the top of a hill.  If they want me I will do nothing but look back at them.  If they come for my family, they will have to deal with an Army veteran who will do what must be done to remove a threat that has been brought to me.  I'm sure my actions will be repeated again and again by citizens that feel they are on their own, as the police are ordered to stand down by both Mayors and Governors.  The Second Amendment is necessary for a functional Republic.  

Live well, Tim and keep up the good work for as long as you are able.



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