Tuesday, June 9, 2020

5,000 Years

Atop the Stoa this night I scrub the paint off the column and sweep the glass from the steps.  Culture, like history, does not so much repeat as jog on a hamster wheel.

For more than 5,000 years Mankind has been evolving itself uphill slowly and painfully.  There have been set backs and triumphs.  There have been Dark Ages and Golden Ages in different parts of the world at different times.  As a global people we have been able to claw a bit farther along after each setback.  Judaeo-Christian morals and Greek Philosophy led eventually to the Enlightenment movement and the eventual grand experiment known as the United States Constitution, the longest running Representative Republic ever.  

Now, the Progressives want to burn it all down.  They want to burn down 5,000 years of progress...and for what?  Do they have a replacement lined up that moves us all a little farther down the line?  Certainly not.  The default mode of Humanity has typically been that of authoritarianism.  All Pharaoh by any name.  Though capable of producing the Great Pyramids, the various Egyptian cultures stagnated and failed to endure.  The Greeks treated them like the spoils of Alexander's wars and then the Romans simply reached out and scooped their degenerate remains into their growing Mediterranean Empire.  Will Western Civilization become degenerate and simply get swept into a growing Chinese Hegemony?  

Do "they" know what they are doing?  Why do the George Soros of the world do what they do?  Do they really know what they leave for their grand children?  Does he honestly believe that he is improving the human condition?  Does it matter to him?

I hate to make another trip around the hamster wheel.  We must protect Western Civilization.  We must remember what made it great.  Are we without Sin?  Of course not.  However, one can not burn down the good with the bad.  We have learned so much over the last 60 years.  The United States has improved immensely over that time.  We've gone from lynch mobs to sending a mixed race man to the very Presidency itself...all within my life-time.  That is Progress.  

Don't burn down 5,000 years of real progress.  Don't burn it.

Live well.


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