Thursday, September 6, 2018

What I see from the Stoa

     Perched atop my Stoa, I wear a mask of concern and heartache.  Truth and Justice in America appears to be dead.  The laws and customs that forged the greatest, most enduring culture since Rome are now the playthings of the powerful and connected.  I now live in a nation with a two tier legal system.  One set of rules for the Deplorables, i.e. the unconnected or independent-minded thinkers among us; and another set of rules for those in the Deep State, or those who have the last name of Clinton (and their followers).

From atop the Stoa, I have seen and heard so much that spells the end of all we hold dear and love about our nation.  To borrow a tired, old cliche, we stand on the brink, poised dangerously between dissolution and autocracy (and NO, I don't mean Mr. Trump).

I see careerist Democrats acting like absolute CHILDREN at the Judicial hearings on the next Supreme Court appointment.  Children who scheme and plan to nullify my vote.  To nullify my choice...more on that later.

The Deep State...the persistent state.  The un-elected, often times appointed burrowers into the government bureaucracy (those who slide into non-appointment jobs during the lame-duck period of the outgoing President).  This is the stuff of novels and cheesy Hollywood movies.  But it isn't.  Its real life and it is happening right now.  Embedding spies in (I'm assuming) all of the major campaign threats to Hillary, employing foreign agents to affect our elections, and rigging their own primaries to shut down an internal threat (I'm looking at you, Bernie).

I can not understand, for anything, the immobility and inactivity of our Attorney General.  This never-ending crusade against Trump for colluding with Russia while a great number of players have been unmasked ACTUALLY colluding with known Russian agents, British agents, and 3rd party national cut-aways.   I don't see anyone really charging them with anything.  This is larger than the Special Council, who seems to actually be part of the actual Russia collusion. be happening to them...


A perfectly normal career Jurist is nominated for the SC.  Democrats lose their MINDS!

Obama appoints someone to the SC who proudly states that the nation could do with the input of a "wise Latina woman".  Crickets and yawns.  

This fellow says, "you know, the Constitution is a good document and perhaps I will use it as my pole star in making judicial decisions".  The Democrats  lose their MINDS!

You notice I'm not mentioning the Main Stream Media as there really is no daylight separating the DNC from the MSM (aka Lame-Stream Media).

I see the large Tech Giants determining, for me, what hate speech is.  I don't recall electing them to any office, nor to I recall asking for their input on what I wanted to read about or not read about.  To me, Twitter, Google, Bing, Yahoo and the lot are nothing more than Communications derived UTILITIES that send and receive data across the Internet.  If Google feels they have the right to filter the data I request, then when will the power company decide to shut off my electricity?  If someone at my local utility get a whif that I'm a conservative fellow, what keeps them from simply shutting off my power?  They are an independent, community-owned collective.  They have an interest in generating revenue to stay in operation, just as Google.  

I see a Constitutionally elected President getting raped by the Left on a second to second basis.  There are not enough crying baby memes ever created to paste on all the activists.  I don't recall cities burning when Obama was elected, and the Right certainly wasn't happy about that.  How about extending the same courtesy?  No?  Hmmm.  

The major Leftist players and more than I care to think about "Never Trumpers" on the right seek to overturn the 2016 elections.  They seek to nullify MY vote.  Under the guise of Free Speech they seek to silence MINE.  They claim to be doing this in my best interest, but I don't recall seeking their aid in anything.  

I'm not a sheep that needs to be guided.  I'm not a member of the uneducated, unwashed mass that voted for Trump.  I have more education and letters after my name than a Yugoslav Hockey player and I voted for Trump.  I will do so again if his wife lets him (she never signed up for this crap) run for President in 2020.

America has always had someone to right the Ship of State when we were in danger of losing it all.  Presidents who woke up to International threats (Jefferson and the Barbary pirates), Fought the Second War for Independence (Madison), Drove a stake through slavery (Lincoln), Broke the power of the Deep State version 1.0 (McKinley), Broke the power of Cartels and Monopolies that threatened the power of the State (Theodore Roosevelt), Halted the long slide into Socialism (Reagan), and now, we need our new hero, one to save us from the Second Deep State.  

Please, President Trump, continue your work and do what is right for this nation and its people.

Please, Melania, I know you never expected this kind of life when you married Donald, but the nation needs him.  History needs him.

I will continue residing upon the Stoa.  Guiding those who come to me.  Giving of myself to those who ask.  The number of students waxes and wanes over time, but that is as it should be.  I will be here.  Watching.  Learning.  Even occasionally praying.

Live well.



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