Sunday, July 1, 2012

I was there

Storms rage around the Stoa this day. It feels appropriate. Storms always signal change. Hot to cold, cold to hot. Dry to wet, stuffy to fresh.

I have always liked storms. On an instinctive level I admire the discharge of electrons and the thunder of tortured air being shoved violently aside. Change.

This post is similar to my last one in that I will recount events that I have borne witness to. In my relatively short life I have seen the eddies of time. Events that eventually reset and replay. Time may or may not be linear, but humanities observation of its effects on our culture demonstrate it to be full of backwash.

I was there when Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford for the Presidency. I watched the backlash against Watergate and the Nixon Pardon.

I was there as hundreds in my home town, dependent on the Auto Industry lost their jobs in the great Carter Malaise.

I was there when Reagan defeated Carter in a monumental landslide. I watched as Reagan made us feel good about ourselves again and reminded us of just who we were and what our role in the world was. Thank you, Ron.

I was there when an Apollo Capsule docked with a Soyuz Capsule in orbit, demonstrating that though our governments and ideologies were different, the Soviets and the Americans were both human, and therefore, adventurous.

I was there when the Space Shuttle Enterprise was dropped by a modified Boeing 747 to prove that the Shuttle could maneuver in the atmosphere upon re-entry and land at a long airfield.

I was there, also, when President Obama killed NASA and relegated our national dreams to the history books. The money needed elsewhere for his welfare programs.

I was there when the Berlin Wall collapsed and millions demanded their freedom. I was also there when the Supreme Court gave President Obama the power to order me to buy things, anything, or pay a tax. Most Americans did not even understand that the noises they heard over the cheering and jeering were the tax shackles of slavery.

I was there in 2008 as the world economy vaporized. I was also there as the Federal Government used it all as a vehicle for tyranny, having largely caused the destruction in the first place. Wish you were still here, Ron.

I was there when medical technology was so advanced that we needed more precise legal definitions of what was "alive" and what was "dead". I was also there when ObamaCare was passed and upheld, with the new definitions being who gets to "live" and who will be permitted to "die".

I was there when the GI Generation had ambition enough to build orbital colonies and send manned missions to Mars in the 1970's. I was also there when Obama devolved our space travel capabilities so much that we are now unable to put a man into space any longer reliably.

I was there to see the rise of the Princess of Wales, Diana, and here death. I was also there when Michael Jackson accidentally died of a drug overdose. Now, his daughter looks to be the next Paris Hilton.

I was also there as Prince Charles cheated on Diana with an older woman. The scandal. I was also there as my father did the same thing to my mother, only she was not killed running from the Paparazzi.

I was there when Nixon was driven out of office for covering up Watergate. I was also there when Congress stood powerless to hold Eric Holder and Obama in Contempt for covering up "Gun Walker".

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

We have always been who we are. The cast of players change, the outcomes change, but the came always remains the same.

In my relatively short time on this world, I have already the the beginning and end to cycles, and the re-start of those cycles with different faces and different scandals.

I wonder what else I will be here to see in the future.

Live well,


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