Monday, March 12, 2012

Israel: You lose.

This morning upon the Stoa, I feel the need to speak out against Israeli lunacy.

Last night, I read an article, partially, that discussed a recent Mossad assessment of the aftermath of an Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear capability.

In a nutshell, it said that life in Tel Aviv would be "unlivable" after a strike. Rampant terror and death? You have that already. Nuclear fire? Not if you shoot straight. Conventional Iranian invasion? Not bloody likely.

So what would be unlivable about it?

What is the alternative of doing nothing?

In two words: nuclear holocaust.

You would think the Jews would know and understand this?

For all you Sci-Fi geeks out there: the Cylons are mankind's best buddies compared to how much Islam hates the Jews. Islam is willing to blow their children up and indoctrinate the innocent to die for a cause they can not understand just to kill a few Jews. The mothers are proud to do this.

Sailors in WWII gasped in horror as Kamikazes intentionally rammed their airplanes into our ships, knowing that the American juggernaut could not be stopped. We wondered at the people who could climb into a rocket powered bomb guided by a human mind.

In the 1970's version of Battlestar Galactica, to show how much the Cylons hated us, they rammed fuel filled fighters into the landing/launch bays of the Battlestars to prevent their use. Wow, those people really hated them, didn't they?

Today, you have Barney-like dinosaurs showing children how to wear bombing vests. You have children's cartoons talking about how fun it is to run into a crowd of Jews with a bomb about your chest. From a child's earliest cognitive ability, they are taught to hate the Jew and their Western sympathizers.

Do you see any lack of resolve on their part? They are willing to spend their youngest children in the endeavor to kill the Jew. Their women are willing to be nothing more than factories that produce human-guided bombs. They are willing to kill their future, in order to end yours.

Do you understand, Israel?

History tells us that you should not go to war with someone unless you are willing to risk more than the other guy. That you are willing to lose more than the other guy. That you are willing to sacrifice everything for victory.

If the Mossad is worried about how shoppers are going to go about their business then you are a doomed people. If the Mossad is worried about rockets from Lebanon and Syria, then Israel is doomed.

If they could attack and destroy you now, they would. If they had atomic weapons right now, they would use them.

Atomic weapons, you say? On Israel?

Oh, yes. Let's think about this for a few moments. If Iran was really, really, desperate to hurt Israel, they would hit them as soon as they had a single bomb. If they really wanted to destroy Israel, they would wait unit they had more.

Exploding a dozen atomic (not nuclear) devices all over Israel, assuming they could coordinate this, would devastate a valuable economic trading partner, even for the Arabs. Half of Israel is made up of non-Jewish Arabs, loyal to the government. They would die as well. Muslim killing Muslim. Some cities are close to the borders with Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, not to mention Egypt (and the Gaza Strip).

Detonating devices in those sites will destroy parts of those nations as well. Then there is the fall-out. I'm certain that their bombs are not as clean as ours. We have had 70 years to develop ours to the height of "green". Fallout would drop to the East of Israel due to the wind currents. Yes, the fallout would drop all over them.

Do they care? No. Do they care that hundreds of thousands of Islam-practicing Arabs would die in Israel? No. Do they care that they will destroy portions of their own nations in these blasts? No. Do they care about the fallout that will blanket the entire Middle-East? No.

Why should they care. They are already willing to strap a bomb to their innocent children just to strike at the Jew.

Don't be so surprised.

Get a clue Israel.

Live well.


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