Monday, September 20, 2010

New Packaging, same content or Lipstick on a Pig?

I could not decide on a formal title for this entry so I just included them both. I feel either one expresses my thoughts adequately.

The Democrats have changed their logo from that of a kicking donkey to a rather sterile logo (Sauron's Eye?) that seems to have the same circular motif as Obama's personal (thats messed up on the face of it) symbol. We are less than two months away from a critical mid-term election and the Democrat party changes it marketing brand. Certainly not the sign of a confident organization at this time. You would never see a major corporation change its marketing brand if it was doing well; perhaps Pepsi Co., but that is another blog entry.

When their candidates are hungry for campaign funds, why spend money on consultants and focus groups to develop a new symbol? They are running scared and trying to put distance between themselves and the last 2 years. Sorry, folks, we are not buying it. If you take a man or woman, elected to public office who then decides to strip tens of millions of citizens their rights, while trying to give rights to illegals and then try to dodge the consequences of those actions then you are not fit make any decisions on your own or be elected to anything that can be voted upon. No spine, no decisiveness. You must always take responsibility for your actions and your votes.

If they believed in what they were doing when they voted on legislation, voted on bills they never read, voted on actions that they never contemplated, then they must take what is coming to them. The American people are not idiots and they are not, by and large, ideologues. Just ask the RINOs that have gone down to defeat at the hands of their more conservative brethren. I wrote on this last year, but I'll repeat myself to some extent. The Republican party is resetting. The Tea Party movement represents a shift as great as that brought on by the great Ronald Reagan. I think that a lot of the people looking at the Tea Party as anything other than concerned citizens who are looking for a less intrusive government are reading their own desires into this movement. The RINOs are being purged and a resurgent, conservative-leaning Republican party will once again dominate the political arena. Changing your symbol is not going to change your fate come November.

If you change the logo and do a bit of painting on the Walmart brand, while leaving the Walmart sign on the buildings, then you still have a Walmart. If you got a good deal on a CRT TV and your groceries at a white building with a Wal-Mart logo, you will stand a very good chance of getting a good deal on your plasma TV and your groceries at a brown building with a Walmart logo. Populate a party with Marxists and Statists, abandon the traditional ideals of the Democrat Party then don't stand there wondering why your popularity is falling. Repainting the building and changing your logo is not going to change the fact that you have a party packed with Marxists, Transnational Progressives, and Statists.

So, have they repackaged a steaming pile or have they tried to repaint the pig? Can I explain this any more simply?

The Stoa has been swept off and is ready for the next instructor.


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