Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christine O'Donnell, Conservative

With the same intensity that I felt I could not support Scott Brown, I DO support Christine O'Donnell. One of the gripes that I had with Mr. Brown is that I sensed the conformist in him. He held strong to his beliefs on Health Care, and then caved on virtually every other piece of legislation that came before him. If he had been following conservative ideals, those votes should have taken care of themselves.

Christine O'Donnell believes in something, wholly and completely. That she is Catholic is beside the point. I'm happy that she is Catholic, though I'd have to check up on what she believes about Social Justice. These votes that come to them should not be very difficult if you are confident about who you are and what you believe in. When someone says they have a lot of "soul searching" to do, what they are really saying is that they have not figured out what the majority of their friends (or supporters) think about the subject or vote at hand.

That she can come out with a belief system and then not flinch when the media anal probe comes along speaks volumes about her. I will watch her with interest as the election comes upon us.

The establishment Republicans are in a tizzy going on and on about how they are going to lose the seat and the chance of a majority with her upset win over the RINO Castle. I can not believe that those people in the RNC can be so dense. Let me be very clear and simple here for the RNC leadership: if you have 55 Republicans in the Senate and 45 Democrats in the Senate, do you have a majority? Mathematically, yes. However, if 6 of them are RINOs, then the reality of the situation is a resounding, "NO". Why do you think they have the title, "Republican In Name Only" hung about their necks? Winning is not the end upon itself, remaining true to Conservative ideals is the goal.

What this election in Delaware means for the RNC is that they have a CHANCE of electing a conservative to the post who will actually vote that way. Not another Scott Brown who, "has to live in the reality of a Blue State". Vote your conscience, that is why people voted for you to occupy that office. If Castle had held on to the seat, then the Democrats would simply have another de facto vote that they could count on in a clutch situation. Bipartisan to a Democrat simply means that the RINOs agree with them. Odd how the Democrats are never accused of voting lock-step on issues...

Get on with it, Christine. Fellow Gen-X'er. Lets show the country what a person of principles is capable of doing in office.


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