Thursday, August 19, 2010

God Bless You, Ronald Reagan

A rare individual. Men like him, willing to stand up and tell you what how it is, regardless of personal political cost. No matter how hard I look, I can not find a single man in the political arena today who is able to articulate the conservative message with such clarity. He was a patriot and he infected those who heard him with this patriotism. I am a Reagan child, come to my maturity under his Presidency. I learned that to get somewhere in life you must work hard and hope for success, though failure is ALWAYS an option. Learn from those failures and try again. The children of Clinton learned how to dodge the truth and look 'cool' doing it. The children of G.W. Bush learned how to keep their heads down, both on the battlefield and in public, since to support him brought scorn. The children of Obama will learn how to tolerate only Islam in their lives, while at the same time, thinking that you can spend your way out of debt.

I really miss you Ronaldus Magnus.

One of his great speeches, recorded while stumping for Barry Goldwater in 1964, is included below. It is fairly long, but worth the time.


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