Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The coming Collectivist Nightmare

The YouTube link below sums up the hard right turn of the American public since the election of BHO. Many have known, deep down, that this cancer was here in the States, but we never really wanted to believe it. Most of us just kept getting up and expecting our lives to remain on the upward curve. Watch the link below and the various Tea Parties will be better understood. It will also give you some insight into the assumptive lords and masters of the "New Republic" under Progressive control.

America has never been a "collective" nation. From our very beginnings we were scattered and few. Families and extended family groups founded villages and outposts along the frontiers, taking risks that could and frequently did, take the lives of their loved ones. The only involvement from the "government" was a land grant title and a vague notation about the boundaries and location of said plot of land. That was it. There was no police or social services present. They were on their own. Waves of immigrants fled Europe as the nation-state continued to tighten its grip in their native lands. They came to our growing, filthy cities that were a den for machine politics to make a living in manufacturing. Others went into the frontier to carve out their lives, far from the influence of Washington, and farther yet from the old landholders that had power over their lives in the old country. Pioneering was a dangerous life, but it was their lives. They kept what they farmed, sold what they wished to whomever they wished.

Today I listen to Democrats explain how they must be given more power to control the actions of the American people. I hear a Michigan Democrat tell me that the health care bill is more about controlling the lifestyles of the people than it is about the delivery of healthcare. Obama neuters NASA by forcing it to contract to the private sector for its mission vehicles, yet he takes over GM and Chrysler. What's with that? Congress comes back into session to pull together another unaffordable bailout package, this time for his teacher union buddies even as a myriad of economic indices warn us of a massive unraveling of the American economy.

The Democrats are ruling, not running this country now. They are working frantically to get their legislation into place before the great bloodletting coming in November. They hope to root these power grabs deep into the political fabric of the government; too rooted and 'popular' for the Republicans to rip out (assuming they can muster the will and the spine). The Federal government is trying to centralize and collectivize everything. Look at what the Agriculture Department is doing with Sugar Beets (yes, I have a lot of time on my hands lately). The cost of everything with sugar is going to skyrocket. Hand in hand with that is the import/export ban on sugar in America. Working together, there is no way that a candy bar will be purchased with pocket change any longer. I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent assaults on salt and tasty food?

Central and Eastern Europe lived through this nightmare in the 20th century, why do we refuse to see where these policies will take us? It has been done, repeatedly, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. It leads to political oppression, collectivization, poverty and death.

Americans work for the individual or those in their immediate family. They work to make their mark in the world, to make a reputation and to become rich. They take risks that harm only themselves, though some would argue that they harm the employees when they fail, but that is a red herring argument. The Federal government, up until the Progressive movement, was a distant city that did not much interfere with the rancher, or sugar beet farmer. The American Individual succeeds or fails on their own hard, intelligence, and luck.

Collectives are soul-less things. Everything is done for the "good of society". What is society? Who benefits? All of us? Why must someone have to give something up so that another can have something? Why can't that someone go out and "earn" what they need? See, right there it is. Everything is everybody's, when you get right down to it. No one will have respect for personal property because it will be everyone's and no one's. You will be unable to better your life because to do so would be to take something away from someone else.

Bees and ants will broom out the unnecessary workers and males in the fall so that the collective can better survive the coming winter. Certain types of blood cells attach themselves to invading cells and then explode to kill of the infection. When we bleed, living cells clot to close the breach. Parts of our collective sacrifice themselves for the greater whole. The Soviets in WWII threw wave after wave soldiers at the Nazis and Werhrmacht to break a front. The Chinese practiced the Zap Brannigan methodologies of warfare in the Korean War; all in the interests of the "Collective". Human life becomes worthless in that system, valued only for what it can provide to the whole.

America and Americans are not cells in a collective organization. America has been a super power because we are GREATER than the sum of our parts. Locking us into a collective body will dissipate and waste the energy and innovation that has been our hallmark for generations. All you have to do is ask yourself this: what government agency would have thought up the i-Pad and ordered it to be created by the State owned Apple Corporation? It would not have happened. The world will be a dimmer place without that spark.

Let us all hope that the Republicans have finally learned from their squandered opportunities in the last blood letting. If they have not, then they will be swept out as well. Believe it.

The Stoa is cleaned and ready for the next speaker.


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