Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scott Brown, tisk, tisk, tisk

Can I call them or what. Back when Scott Brown got the nod from both the voters of the socialist state of Massachusetts and the Tea Party (Tea Parties...) in general, I warned people not to get so wrapped up the elation and the joy at seeing Ted's seat go to a Republican. Turns out that Mr. Brown is no better than Ms. Snowe and the other RINOS that continuously vote in lock step with the Democrats. Any Republican that votes with Ms. Snow more than once or twice in a career needs to have their Conservative card passed forward to the next available candidate.

What exactly did Mr. Brown find in the legislation that appealed to him? The entire bill from top to bottom is a Statist power grab. I've read the entire bill, or at least the most recent version I could find on the net, and there is nothing redeemable about it. Heck, I'm even leery of the words, "The", "Is", and "And".

I am terribly sorry that the people of Massachusetts thought that they had a true conservative to vote for, but it looks like, once again, that they will bear ever more state mandated burdens. Even more so, I will have to endure them going forward. I sure hope that the next two Congressional sessions can remove some of the worst legislation being passed during this administration. A short list off the top of my head of bills that need to be removed as soon as Conservatives can make it happen: Cap and Trade, Healthcare Reform (what a joke), EPA power, Bush Tax Cuts expiring (do we live in a natural state of taxation that we have to pass laws holding them in abeyance for short periods of time???), Progressive agendas, Financial Overhaul, Deficit Reduction (just the opposite is going on every day), and on and on. My goodness, what a mess has been made over here.

Well, that is my rant for the day. I'm feeling a little better.


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