Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just Pay Attention

Upon the Stoa this day I sit again in quiet contemplation.

A new film related to Islam and its prophet is out. You can guess what is happening now around the world.

From what I've read about the film it is accurate in every way. The rise of Islam and its sick prophet, all researched and vetted.

Now remember, Islam is religion of peace, even though in Arabic it means "submit". Film comes out, describes Mohammed as a twisted freak who created his own religion to justify his counter-culture activities, and the muslims riot. Someone makes a silly cartoon, muslims riot. Someone sneezes near a Koran, muslims riot.

Muslims wire 2,000 year old statues with C4 and blow it to hell and back and do the Buddhists riot? No, they bend their heads in sorrowful contemplation of the horror that has been done in God's name.

Someone draws a bug, puts a scarf on it and calls it a prophet and people's heads begin rolling.

Please people, pay attention. Look at what they do, not what they say.

Live well.


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