Sunday, June 10, 2012

Evil Triumphs when Good People do Nothing

From atop the Stoa this bright and warm day, I wish to ponder the title of this blog entry.

It is an oldie but a goody. In fact, this quote was featured prominently on my mother's blog site. The truth of it is painfully obvious.

Some points in history:
Nothing stopped the Arabs from taking over the classical world.
Nothing stopped the Mongols from murdering 20 million Chinese simply for more grazing land for their horses.
Nothing stopped the Europeans from nearly exterminating the Native Americans from both the North and South continents.
Nothing stopped the French from murdering thousands of nobles for the crime of being of noble birth.
Nothing stopped the North from crushing the South in the Civil War.
Nothing stopped the South from continuing to persecute blacks right up to the Civil Rights era.
Nothing stopped Stalin from murdering 20 million Ukrainians for not bowing down to him.
Nothing stopped 9 people in black robes from discovering a right to abortion in the US Constitution.
Nothing stopped the Nazis from conquering the known world....hold on, something DID stop them. WE stopped them.

We who chose not to sit back and watch yet more evil spread into this world.
We who chose not to allow humans to be bred like cattle.
We who chose not to allow the conquest of the civilized world.
We who chose to bleed and to sacrifice for the betterment of others.

It was we who chose to rebuild the world after WWII instead of simply taking the world, for there were NONE strong enough to have stopped us, had we wished it.

It was we who chose to harness the Atom for power and not simple destruction, though we mastered that as well.

It was we who chose not to be racist, and it was WE who welcomed the world to live with us, as long as they respected our laws.

It is we, through our neglect and intellectual laziness that permitted the Fabians to erode our values.

It is we failed to call Socialism out for what it is.

It is we that have begun to wake. It is we who are realizing, in horror, what has become of the country of our Grand Parents.

It is we that realize now what our hard work and treasure has been perverted and warped into.

It is we that have now begun to correct the errors of our neglect.

Yes, we are busy and yes we all have lives of our own. We wish that we did not have to work at the organs of self-rule as much as we must.

Life is like that. It is hard and requires constant attention. It is We who must put down our novels and our soaps, our Internet and our weekend trips. It is we who must turn back to the organs of government and remove the corrupting influences that have been allowed to gather and fester.

It is up to WE the PEOPLE to fix what we allowed fall into disrepair.

Thank you Tea Party. Thank you III percent. Thank you to Country Music and NASCAR. Thank you for remembering what our country is about.

We the People, we the silent majority that occupies "fly over country". We the people have awoken and we are filled with a terrible resolve.

We will remove, with only the power and the memory of the Constitution of the United States, the errors we allowed into existence.

We will remain vigilant for a generation or two, and then the Fabians will once again begin to encroach. It is the way of things, for as long as we make "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" our goal and not the mundane maintenance of government, then We the People must always have to relearn what made us great.

The evil of Socialism, of Fabians, and of ignorance itself must not be allowed to enervate the fabric of our souls, as it has in the old country of Europe. Their path leads to ruination. We must maintain the path of our Founders, for there lies the Last, Best, Hope of Humanity.

Live well, everyone.


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