Saturday, May 29, 2010

Really, Joe?

Earlier this month, Joe Biden said something that was moronic even for him. He stated that Brussels was more entitled to be named the capital of the Free World. Really? Brussels is like any other major city in Europe. It has seen bloody rebellions, wars of succession, political upheavals, religious repression, and has been a way point for invading armies coming and going between France and Germany (and its earlier principalities) for centuries. Its modern history saw it as the transit point for Germany in both WWI and WWII.

According to Joe, it deserves the title because it is the headquarters of NATO and the European Union. Let's see, NATO is 95% paid for and manned by the US military. The European Union, and its monetary union can not agree on the time of day, let alone a sound fiscal policy. Brussels has become the symbol of a Europe that is trying to come together, but simply can not let go of its past, either culturally or politically. The Transnational Progressives have infected and killed the experiment a long time ago. The PIIGS situation is simply demonstrating that the Haves will always be forced to subsidize the Have-Nots. Germany was pressured by the other EU states (and Obama) into the Trillion dollar bailout of the Southern European lay-abouts who squandered an opportunity to shelter under a strong currency. Now both the EU and its monetary policy are in ruins and will likely fall apart in the next few years.

By what right can Joe make that claim? All Brussels has been good at is telling its member states (nations) what it can and can't do within its own borders. It has been impotent and blind to the worst dealings of the modern day like genocide in the Balkans, the Oil for Food scandal, Russian murder and intrigue, and a Germany that is coming again to dominate Europe.

So like most things that Joe says, I just have to shake my head. On another note, though, he is an inspiration to me on another level. If he can be Vice President of the United States then I can, literally, be anything I want to be and do a half-way decent job at it.

On this day, please remember who it is that is the guardian of peace and freedom in the world today. It is the American soldier. Not the European or Russian, or Korean. Us. It is the common farm folk of middle America, the street wise loudmouth of Italian descent from Brooklyn, and the eager immigrant (legal, damn it!) that keeps this world safe. If you come across a Progressive, or worse yet, the Transnational Progressive (is there a difference these days?), please ask them when the last time a bunch of weenie-tots ever did anything right without the US military there to make it a reality.

Happy Memorial Day people, and when you are grilling your steaks, remember the men in the dust and dirt who make this possible for us.


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