Friday, August 31, 2012

Have we lost our honor?

From the Stoa today, I symbolically tap a fake newspaper to my chin.

An article in the WSJ talked about how 20% or 12 b$ worth of contracts has been reneged.

What's that all about? Do people think that you can promise to buy a product at a certain price and then walk away when it actually does hit that price?

Do people take out loans on homes they know they cannot afford and then walk away from them?

Yes, seems to be the proper answer.

There was a time in this country where a hand shake was all that was required to secure a deal. A man's word was his bond. When did that stop being important?

There was a movie in the 1980's called "Trading Places". The end of the movie saw the antagonists of the movie, broken upon the wheel of a futures contract on Orange Juice. A century old firm was wrecked when it made a promise to pay for OJ at one price and sell at another.

So, apparently, someones' word was still important 30 year ago.

Just another change started in our culture by the Boomers. Thank you again, jerks.

Live well.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Simple Choices

From the Stoa this day, I again embrace a new and wonderful day. Despite the rain of last night, the jaw-dropping back pain I endure, and the high likelihood of being forced to move into the slums, I still embrace this new day.

Every day allows us to start over. Yes, the day does carry baggage from the day before. This baggage is also called "consequences". Every day allows you to make better choices and to learn from that which you can not control.

In this Presidential election cycle, despite the lies and open book observable behavior, there are those that don't think Obama and his policies are openly "anti-american". If you have not noticed this, please be responsible and do not vote. You are not informed enough to vote for this position.

I like to call Romney "squishy" because of his ability to deform conservatism and duck leadership. Romney-Care was signed into law in his old state because he said that the "People wanted it". A socialist population passes socialist bills, and he simply signed them.

Sometimes being a leader means being alone in dissent. The policy is a bad policy whether it is passed by the people or not. He should have strangled that bill when it landed on his desk. Now we have Obama-Care.

But I digress.

Obama is painting Romney as "extreme". Really. The man I call "squishy" you are calling "extreme"? He'd have to invent a word to describe me, then.

To me the choice is clear and easy. One choice offers true hope, the other...well, lets just say, I'm not ready to practice Islam just yet.

Live well,
